On August 27, 1985 a Toronto based group of teaches held its first organizational meeting to form metro Toronto’s first “Teachers for Life.” A second Ontario chapter for South Western Ontario is under way in Sarnia, led by Jim Sekerak of St. Patrick’s High School.
Initiated by Father Alphonse de Valk and concerned teacher Louise Di Rocco, the group is responding to the obvious need for professional unity in pro-life issues. As well, it originates as a follow-up to B.C, Teachers for Life, who were formed to try to stop its Provincial Federation from adopting pro-choice policies.
While Teachers for Life’s primary purpose is to foster a pro-life philosophy in the classroom. It also exists to raise the consciousness of teachers and teacher federations with regards to anti-life, anti-family, and anti-child issues.
Teachers for Life held a second meeting on October 5. A pro-life video, literature and policies were discussed and clarified. Elected to office were Louise Di Rocco (president); Michael Otis and Joe Di Fonzo (vice-presidents); Catherine Dunn (secretary); Kathleen Mullaly (treasurer); and Andrew Turnbull, June Scandiffio and Fr, de Valk members at large and liaison members.
Teachers for Life is looking for members from both public and separate schools, elementary and high schools. It hopes that chapters will be formed in other cities in Ontario.