interim-35In March 1983, this paper was launched to inform readers of the “day-to-day battle to protect unborn babies.” That first paper announced that “the philosophy of this monthly will always be one of no compromise on abortion,” because “a human life, from the moment of conception represents an individual, precious gift from God.” We have stayed true to that mandate, and since then our mandate has expanded from covering abortion to all issues affecting life (euthanasia, human cloning, eugenics, contraception) and family (education, homosexuality) and the all-important freedoms of religion, conscience, and speech – precisely because every life is a precious gift from God.

We originally carried a Latin motto, Semper Fidelis– always faithful – a promise to remain steadfast champions of the rights “whose voices cannot be heard” until the law is changed to protect all human life. This paper educated the public, especially pro-lifers, to inspire right thinking and activism, and pressured politicians to stand up for those desperately in need of legal protection. This paper is necessary because there are so few pro-life voices in the mainstream media.

The Interimwas created 35 years ago by Campaign Life Coalition because there was scant coverage of talks given in Canada by Bernard Nathanson, the abortionist-turned-pro-life-activist. CLC’s Jim Hughes decided that if the media were not going to cover Nathanson – either honestly or at all – then the pro-life movement would have to create its own newspaper to report on pro-life happenings and current events without the so-called mainstream media’s bias (when it deigned to cover these topics at all).

After the first issue was published and mailed, some pro-lifers thought the paper should close. Others thought the experiment proved the necessity of having a newspaper that shared the values of so many Canadians that no longer saw their worldview represented and respected in the large city newspapers and news broadcasters.

Fast forward 35 years, and as our cover story reports, the daily newspapers are still busy promoting abortion in their pages. For them the fight continues. As, too, for us. We will continue reporting on pro-life efforts and issues across the country, providing encouragement to those who remain faithful.