Members of the New Abortion Caravan display a white child's coffin at 24 Sussex Dr. in Ottawa on Canada Day.

Canada Day celebrations in the nation’s capital were given a new twist this year as youth activists with the New Abortion Caravan descended on Ottawa with billboard-size abortion images. At 2 pm on June 30, they formed a funeral procession and delivered a white child’s coffin to 24 Sussex Drive – the residence of Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

“Today we are presenting Prime Minister Harper, as the elected leader of our country, with a child’s coffin representing the pre-born Canadians his government and governments preceding have failed so badly” said Stephanie Gray, spokesperson for the group.

On July 1, the group of 25 activists, with an average age of 24, were demonstrating with their large graphic signs near Parliament Hill. Thereafter, they hand-delivered postcards bearing graphic images directly to homes across the city. The city’s highways were also treated to the images courtesy of the group’s roaming truck.

The New Abortion Caravan has been travelling across the country since May 29, when they launched their campaign in Vancouver. They are re-tracing the steps of the old abortion caravan from 1970, where a group of self-proclaimed “furious women” sought to repeal the abortions laws and obtain free abortion on demand.

The pro-life group’s activity has raised the ire of abortion supporters, like Joyce Arthur of Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada who said calling the New Abortion Caravan by that name is a “sacrilege.” Margot Dunn, one of the original caravaners from 1970 said the New Abortion Caravan is “horrifying.” Across the country, the Canadian Auto Workers set up counter-demonstrations against the pro-life activists.

Gray said her group is taking the historical “sacred cow” of Canada’s abortion rights movement in order to “redeem it and end the killing of pre-born children in our lifetime.” She and her group identify themselves as the “survivor generation” since they were born at a time when abortion was widespread.

“Abortion has ended the lives of over 3 million pre-born children in Canada since 1969. Their silent screams cannot be heard, but their broken bodies can be seen. We are here to show Canada’s elected officials the faces of Canada’s invisible children.”

A version of this articleoriginally appeared at July 2 and is reprinted with permission.