Ottawa Highlights of the legislation to amend the Criminal Code provisions on abortion:

–           Abortion would be permitted at any stage of pregnancy if one doctor agrees the physical, mental or psychological health of the mother is threatened.

–           Each case would be decided by the doctor, acting on what the bill calls generally accepted medical standards.

–           Anyone else committing an abortion faces up to two years in prison.

What the bill does not say

–           the exemptions are far wider than under the old law.

–           “physical, mental and psychological health” includes socio-economic reasons.

–           Abortions are no longer restricted to hospitals (by federal law) but may be done anywhere.

–           Abortions are not restricted by time of pregnancy. If many doctors will refrain from aborting babies past 20 weeks, some doctors will not.

–           There is no protection for the unborn baby whatever.