
B.C. Supreme Court Justice Nicole Garson rules that contrary to statutes, a homosexual affair constitutes adultery. Thus, she grants Shelley Pickering an immediate divorce, rather than require her to wait for the mandatory one-year separation period to end under Canada’s no-fault divorce law … The Toronto Star reports that some federal Liberals are urging former Ontario NDP premier Bob Rae to seek a seat in the next federal election, to better place himself for a Liberal leadership race if Paul Martin doesn’t capture a parliamentary majority … In a Star-sponsored SES Research Associates poll, former New Brunswick premier Frank McKenna is the preference of 23 per cent of respondents, when they are asked who they would like to see as the next Liberal leader, followed by Rae and former finance minister John Manley at 11 per cent apiece … Feminist Ontario NDP MPPMarilyn Churley will run against pro-abortion Liberal MP Maria Minna in the Toronto riding of Beaches-East York. Peter Conroy is a pro-life Conservative candidate in that riding …Andre Boisclair, an openly homosexual MNA seeking the Parti Quebecois leadership, admits to using cocaine, but attempts to explain it away as a youthful indiscretion. Ghislain Lebel, the only pro-life candidate seeking the PQ leadership, will address the National Pro-Life Conference in Montreal in November … Ernest McCulloch and James Till of the Ontario Cancer Institute are awarded the Lasker Award, a prestigious American medical prize, for their pioneering work on embryonic stem cells, even though Till has warned against the over-promising of ESCR therapies and cures.

United States

Priests for Life publicizes the story of Melanie Mills and is subsequently sued by Granite City, Ill, abortionist Yogendra Shaw. Mills had not been given a pregnancy test prior to an abortion, only later to realize she was never pregnant. Fr. Frank Pavone of PFL praises Mills for her willingness to help expose “what we know are two common abuses: abortionists doing abortions on people who are not pregnant and abortionists intimidating women into silence about the malpractice that occurs in legal abortion clinics” … After seven years of litigation initiated by the American Civil Liberties Union, the U.S. District Court in Cincinnati upholds an Ohio law that requires girls under the age of 18 to get parental consent for an abortion … New York City’s Republican mayor, Michael Bloomberg, opposes the Supreme Court nomination of Judge John Roberts, because the judge did not commit himself to Roe v. Wade during Senate hearings … California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoes a gay “marriage” law passed by the state’s legislature … Kansas is considering increasing the minimum age to get married, after a Nebraska man crossed state lines in order to marry a 14-year-old girl … Concerned Women for America launches a campaign against Starbucks, after the coffee conglomerate highlighted a pro-gay quote by author Armistead Maupin on some of its coffee cups. Rather than boycotting the Seattle-based company, CWA urges citizens to donate to pro-life pregnancy counselling centres and the Boy Scouts of America.


In November, the Argentine legislature votes on a bill that will legalize abortion if passed …Human Life International charges the United Nations and the International Planned Parenthood Federation of not caring “about the welfare of women” in Kenya as the latter organizations push contraception on the east African nation. “All they really want is fewer Kenyans,” says HLI … The Office of the Drugs Controller in India gives regulatory approval for the distribution of the abortifacient “morning-after pill” without a prescription. The pills are sold in India under the generic names of “No-preg” and “72-pills,” because the abortifacient must be taken within 72 hours of intercourse … Comité Actie Gezin/Action Famille, a Belgian pro-family group, criticizes a government proposal to legalize homosexual adoption. Although the tiny European country legalized same-sex “marriage” in 2003, the law currently does not permit adoption by same-sex partners, nor does a birth within a same-sex “marriage” impute affiliation. CAG/AF says the law not only undermines “the traditional family at its core,” but “also implies a complete disregard for the child’s right to a mother and a father” …  The United Kingdom’s Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority reverses a ban that prevents scientists from creating embryonic children derived from the combined ova of two women with sperm from a single father. The HFEA claims the occasional need to combine the ova from two women as a means of preventing mitochondrial diseases like muscular dystrophy from being passed from a woman who carries the genetic trait to her offspring. LIFE charity spokesman Matthew O’Gorman adds that, “This decision is utterly unethical, abhorrent and contrary to public opinion” … LIFE urges the Tony Blairgovernment to disband the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority immediately.