
Andrew Coyne in Maclean’s on the significance of granting abortionist Henry Morgentalerthe Order of Canada: “It is about whether we are allowed to disagree; whether dissent on a contentious issue is respected or even recognized.” Coyne, in the same article, on the need to debate abortion within the political sphere: “Maybe, just maybe, if we start talking about it again, we might also start listening to each other” … Liberal leader Stephane Dionpromised to create a Commissioner of Gender Equality if he wins the next election. According to a Liberal Party backgrounder, the commissioner would examine “with an equality lens” gender equality practices in all government departments and scrutinize proposed legislation and existing programs for their impact on women … Notable politicians taking part in Toronto’s Gay Pride parade included Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty, provincial Super-Minister George Smitherman, Ontario Progressive Conservative leaderJohn Tory, prominent Liberal MPs and former leadership contenders Bob Rae and Michael Ignatieff, federal NDP leader Jack Layton and his wife, MP Olivia Chow, federal Green Party leader Elizabeth May and Toronto Mayor David Miller. Miller was photographed doing the can-can with two transvestites. Other MPs included: Liberals Belinda Stronach, Carolyn Bennett, Mario Silva and Boris Wrzesnewskyj and NDPer Peggy Nash … The Association for Reformed Political Action has revealed that the B.C. Early Childhood Learning Agency is conducting consultations to determine whether Kindergarden should be expanded to include full-day classes for five-year-olds and eventually provide optional classes for three- and four-year-olds. ARPA asks in its submission to the BCECLA, “Why would the state be interested in taking responsibility away from parents for teaching children aged 3-5?” … Citizenship and Immigration Canada is considering making HIV a reportable disease, which would require immigration agents to report HIV infections to public health officials. The news comes on the heels of a B.C. Centre for Disease Controlreport, which found that 16 per cent of new infections in Canada are linked to people from other countries.

United States

Dr. James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, is reconsidering his opposition to Senator John McCain, the presumptive Republican candidate, despite serious misgivings over the senator’s commitment to the pro-life cause. Dobson has been critical of McCain’s support for embryonic stem cell research and opposition to a federal constitutional amendment to ban same-sex “marriage,” but said Democrat “Barack Obama contradicts and threatens everything I believe about the institution of the family and what is best for the nation. His radical positions on life, marriage and national security force me to reevaluate the candidacy of our only other choice, John McCain” … A Pew Research poll indicates that McCain leads Obama 61-25 per cent among evangelicals … CBN News correspondent David Brody says McCain needs to pick pro-life vice presidential candidates and provide “straight talk on life” issues … A Pennsylvania woman, Andrea Curry-Demus, 38, has been charged with homicide, unlawful restraint and kidnapping after cutting open a pregnant woman, Kia Johnson, and stealing her baby … Coloradoans can vote on a Human Life Amendment in a referendum ballot this November, the first time voters will be asked when life begins. Colorado for Equal Rights, which supports the initiative, said it would lay the legal and legislative basis for protecting the unborn.


The BBC has reported that that Ann Downer, a Birmingham nurse, gave a “chemical abortion to a patient who had only come for a consultation” when she administered the drug to the wrong woman. The Nursing and Midwifery Council ruled she could keep her job, but that a caution would remain on her record for three years … The Dutch civil service says that the term “maiden name” is not an appropriate legal term, given the 2001 legalization of gay “marriage” in the Netherlands and henceforth, the traditional term for the last name of a woman prior to marriage is being officially replaced with “birth name” … World Population Day was July 11 and the United Nations Population Fund observed the occasion by promoting contraception and abortion, although it dressed it up as concern for “reproductive health.” Purnima Mane, the UNFPA’s deputy executive director, claimed that contraception would prevent 2.7 million infant deaths … Human Rights Watch has criticized Peru for not legalizing abortion, complaining “there are significant barriers to accessing lawful abortions,” even though it claimed that abortion is legal in cases to protect the health and life of the mother. Carlos Polo, head of the Population Research Institute’s Latin American branch, notes that, contrary to the claims of Human Rights Watch, all abortion is illegal in Peru: “There are no ‘legal’ abortions in Peru and abortion is a crime in all cases, since the constitution of Peru protects the life of the unborn.” … Population Research Institute president Stephen Mosher has called for a boycott of the Beijing Olympics saying participation in the event would legitimize the country’s abhorrent human rights practices, including forced abortions and sterilization. Mosher is part of theBeijing Boycott Coalition which is urging people to refuse to watch the Olympics or patronize its sponsors.