
Prince Edward Island Premier Pat Binns##’ Progressive Conservatives wins re-election. Binns is pro-life. About four out of five Islanders vote, proving that being pro-life is not an impediment to political success … Ernie Eves, the defeated premier of Ontario, says he will stay on as leader of the Progressive Conservative Party “for a period of time.” Early speculation has it that a leadership campaign could be held as early as June 2004 … The Canadian Alliance and Progressive Conservatives announce they have forged a deal to merge their two parties. Party membership must approve the deal by Dec. 15. The front-runner to become the leader of the new Conservative Party of Canada is former pro-abortion Ontario premier Mike Harris … Presumptive Liberal leader Paul Martin is reported to be looking at calling an election for April … Prime Minister Jean Chrétien tells the Winnipeg Free Press that he might try marijuana once it is decriminalized: “I will have my money for my fine and a joint in the other hand.” Police groups criticize Chrétien for sending the wrong signal to Canadian children … The Toronto Star reports that there could be a position at the United Nations for Chrétien once he steps down as prime minister. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan is reportedly interested in developing some role for him … REAL Women of Canada exposes the close connection between the homosexual lobby and numerous judges. REAL Women brought to the mainstream’s attention pictures from the Equal Marriage website showing Ontario Court of Appeal Chief Justice Roy McMurtry with leading homosexual activists Kevin Bourrassa and Joe Varnell at a reception following an Ontario Law Society panel celebrating same-sex marriage. McMurtry has his arm around Bourrassa’s and Varnell’s waists. In another photo, Justice Harry LaForme of the Ontario Superior Court is seen with his arms around Bourrassa and Varnell. LaForme wrote the lower court’s majority deicision allowing same-sex “marriage.”

United States

Former General Wesley Clark is seeking the Democratic presidential nomination for next year. To prove his Democratic credentials – he wasn’t a registered Democrat until he announced he was seeking the party’s nomination – Clark points first to the fact that he supports a woman’s “right to choose.” Says Clark, “It’s a moral decision” … Director Michael Moore’s number two reason for supporting Clark’s presidential ambitions: he is “firmly pro-choice” … Former Vermont governor Howard Dean, who is seeking the Democratic presidential nomination, calls for the legalization of physician-assisted suicide. Dean, who also supports abortion, is a former doctor who volunteered to do an unrequired rotation at Planned Parenthood in Burlington, Vt. when he was in medical school … Also seeking the Democratic nomination are pro-abortion senators John Edwards (N.C.) and John Kerry (Mass.). During recent campaign swings through New Hampshire, which holds the first Democratic primary in January, both separately visited Planned Parenthood facilities … Health and Human Service Secretary Tommy Thompson announces that $100 million of federal bonuses will go to Colorado, Maryland, Texas, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Washington D.C. and Wyoming, for achieving the nation’s largest decreases in out-of-wedlock births between 1998 and 2001. A caveat of the program is that the states must also show a decrease in abortions since 1995.


Canadian Christian Heritage Party leader Ron Gray: “The CBC is notorious for its pro-NDP, pro-union, pro-gay, pro-abortion biases, but all Canada’s major media share most of the same biases – maybe not as blatant as the CBC, and surely not as galling (because they aren’t all supported by our tax dollars, although they all live off our consumer dollars) – but just as narrow-minded in their relentlessly secular and materialistic perspectives” … The Age editorializes that experimenting on human life has “lost its power to disgust” and chastizes the media’s failure to report on disturbing developments in the area of embryo experimentation, such as the creation of rabbit-human hybrids. The paper says: “It has taken less than two years to habituate ourselves to regarding human embryos as pharmaceutical fodder” … The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation has urged CNN not to book Dr. James Dobson as a guest on Larry King Live anymore, because he allegedly promotes the “bigoted intolerance of Focus on the Family,” the organization he founded and chairs. On Sept. 5, Dobson told King that same-sex “marriage” would “destroy the family, which will destroy the nation and I think, eventually have a major impact on Western civilization” … The Concerned Chistian Coalition Inc. launches Canada’s first Christian-based business and political magazine, Narrow Path.