
CTV reported that Prime Minister Stephen Harper said he will not support Rod Bruinooge’s private member’s bill to make it a crime to coerce a woman into having an abortion … If, as expected, pro-life witness Linda Gibbons is released on June 3 after the second day of her scheduled trial, she will have been jailed exactly 500 days since her last arrest for allegedly violating the bubble zone injunction prohibiting pro-life speech near Ontario’s abortion facilities … Between May 24, 2008 and May 14, 2010, Gibbons biographer Gordon Truscott sent 1,961 letters – up to seven a day – to Gibbons in jail. He has also called upon Ontario Attorney General Chris Bentley to “investigate and end the heavy-handed treatment this caring woman has received at the hands of the Ontario justice system” … Toronto city councilor and mayoral candidate Rob Ford apologized for a 2006 comment about AIDS after former Ontario cabinet minister and mayoral front-runner George Smitherman attacked his political opponent for opposing an AIDS-prevention program four years ago. Ford said at the time that AIDS is a “very preventable” disease if one avoided intravenous drug use and homosexual activity. Smitherman, an openly gay man, said the comments were offensive. Ford apologized for making the statement, saying he “was wrong” calling his opposition to funding an anti-AIDS initiative a “mistake” … The Trillium Foundation gave the Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays Canada-York Region $50,000 over two years to pay for transit and billboard ads that say “Someone you know and love is gay” and “Being gay or lesbian is not a crime, bashing is” … Montreal and Toronto are using sexually suggestive advertising to encourage short vacations to their cities. A joint press release states “Tourism Toronto and Tourisme Montreal want each city’s residents to know it’s okay to cheat – and they’re encouraging quickies with each other’s city all summer long.” Rev. Charles McVety of Canada Christian College said the campaign is “boorish” and will “scare away families.”

United States

President Barack Obama has nominated his Solicitor General, Elena Kagan, to the Supreme Court of the United States. Kagan, who has no experience as a judge, favours taxpayer funding of abortion, has donated to the pro-abortion National Partnership for Women and Families, supports same-sex ‘marriage’ and is rumoured to be a lesbian. The National Right to Life Committee says as a White House lawyer in the 1990s Kagan helped defeat a Congressional ban on partial-birth abortion and Americans United for Life says Kagan “has staked out a clear position of active support for unrestricted abortion” … James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, withdrew his endorsement of Kentucky Republican Senate primary candidate Trey Grayson and switched his support to upstart pro-life libertarian Rand Paul, saying GOP leaders misled him about both Grayson’s and Paul’s record. “Senior members of the GOP told me Dr. Paul is pro-choice … but now I’ve received further information” after talking to ob-gyns from the state and to the candidate himself. Paul, who supports a Human Life Amendment and a Life at Conception Act, won the primary with 58.8 per cent on May 18 … Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour (R) signed a new state law that bans public funding for most abortions under health exchanges that are to be created under the federal government’s overhaul of the American health care system. The state has banned any federal, state or local tax dollars from being used for abortion since 2002 but proponents of the bill said the new law was necessary because of the vast scope of Obamacare … Nadya Suleman, who gave birth to octuplets in March 2009 following in vitro fertilization fertility treatments, lent her support to a public relations campaign by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals to encourage people to spay or neuter their pets. Her visage is used on posters that say “Don’t let your dog or cat become an octomom. Always spay or neuter.”


A Malawi court sentenced two homosexuals to 14 years in prison following a sodomy conviction after the pair put on a mock same-sex wedding and given the maximum sentence for “unnatural acts and gross indecency.” Judge Nyakwawa Usiwa said he was giving the couple the maximum sentence “so the public (can) be protected from people like you so that we are not tempted to emulate this horrendous example.” Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon condemned the sentence, saying cases like this one “need to be denounced” … According to the Globe and Mail, 37 countries legally ban homosexual acts … Charles Kenny writes in the May/June Foreign Policy about the erroneous predictions of Thomas Malthus, saying that his “solution to the world’s problems (to) stop the poor from breeding” is the “wrong place to start” because the developing world consumes disproportionately so little of the world’s  resources. Kenny also notes that the favourite policy of neo-Malthusians, population control through increased access to birth control, was considered immoral by Malthus.