
CLC president John Hof says that the British Columba election maintained the status quo, noting that every pro-life MLA seeking re-election won and that several new pro-life MLAs were also elected including Mark Dalton (Lib, Maple Ridge Mission) who was vocal about his pro-life convictions. Also, 61.3 per cent of BC voters opposed the single-transferable vote scheme … Amendments made to the Yukon Human Rights Act would extend the time limit for filing complaints from six to 18 months. Also debated was eliminating the prohibition on discrimination based on sexual orientation but only because the law criminalizes discriminates against youth. Presently, the law protects “consenting adults” but gay activists and the Yukon Human Rights Commission are concerned that the Act does not protect homosexual youth … In a letter to voter signed “The Office of Michael Ignatieff, MP”, the leader of the Official Opposition (or his staff) said: “It is the longstanding view of the Liberal Party of Canada that women must have the right to choose, and this party will take no step that limits, or opens the door to limiting, access to safe medical services for women across Canada. I understand this issue stirs extremely strong feelings and the Liberal Party respects the right of every Canadian to express their views freely and openly, no matter how contrary those views may seem to those of others” … The Quebec Superior Court is hearing a case in which a group of parents are seeking the right to exempt their students from Ethics and Religious Culture course which replaced Catholic and Protestant moral instruction in the province’s schools. Applications on behalf of 1,700 students have been made and all were refused. Opposition to the course is being spearheaded by the Coalition for Freedom in Education. Jean-Morse Chevrier,director of the Quebec Association of Catholic Parents, a member of the coalition, says “It is the state deciding what religious content will be learned, and at what ages, which totally usurps the parents’ authority and role”  … The provincial election in Nova Scotia is June 9 … The Canadian Federation of Catholic Physicians’ Societies held its first general meeting and conference in Ottawa. The CFCPS was formed this past year to unite Catholic Physician Guilds working from coast to coast independently across Canada under one banner. The conference was moderated by the newly elected president, Dr. Tim Lau, who opened the conference with a quote from GK Chesterton: “Ethics are terribly complicated to those who have lost their principles.”

United States

President Barack Obama spoke at the commencement ceremony at Notre Dame, during which he called for a more civil dialogue between those who support and oppose abortion. More than 30 pro-life activists were arrested protesting the president’s speech at the Catholic university, including Alan Keyes, a former candidate for the Republican presidential nomination and Obama’s Illinois senate opponent in 2004 … A report from the Department of Homeland Security that labeled pro-life activism as a potential sign of violent “rightwing extremism” has been pulled to be re-written. DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano said, “The report is no longer out there. An employee sent it out without authorization” … Washington Governor Christine Gregoire signed legislation giving registered same-sex domestic partners all the rights and benefits that Washington now offers married couples. The Faith and Freedom Network has vowed to fight to reverse the new law which takes effect July 21.


Spain’s Council of Ministers approved a new law that will permit abortion on demand during the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. The law must now be approved by legal experts in the government’s General Council of Judicial Authority and the Legal Council before passing to the Spanish Congress, where both chambers must approve it by majority vote before it can become law. Ostensibly, abortion is permitted under only certain circumstances including “grave” risk to a mother’s psychological health. About 97 per cent of Spain’s 100,000 abortions are committed for such reasons. … The Negal Supreme Court ordered the government to provide “safe and affordable abortion services” by creating a fund to pay for abortions for women. The court also required that the government “educate health providers and the public of the country’s abortion laws.” In 2002, Nepal legalized abortion in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. The Center for Reproductive Rights hailed the decision saying: “This decision shows that protecting women’s health and lives means more than just keeping reproductive health services legal – it means ensuring that those services are in fact available to everyone who needs them” … The German parliament voted (326-234 with 52 abstentions) to require a three-day waiting period before doctors authorize abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy to consider the medical and psychological consequences of late-term abortions … Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare has ruled that sex-selection abortions are not illegal.