
The CBC reported that there have been at least 1324 euthanasia deaths since Quebec legalized euthanasia and assisted suicide on Dec. 10, 2015 and the federal government legalized the practices on June 17, 2016. Alex Schadenberg of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition said the number is certainly higher because the data from Quebec, British Columbia and New Brunswick was not up-to-date and that Yukon does not release its numbers. Quebec had the most assisted deaths with 469, followed by Ontario which had 365 … Prince Albert, Sask., Mayor Greg Dionne said he would fly the Prince Albert Right to Life pro-life flag at city hall despite a petition against the gesture signed by 450 opponents. The flag has flown without controversy for two decades as part of Celebrate Life Week. Dionne said, “I strongly believe in freedom of speech and freedom of rights. If you don’t like it, don’t look at it. There’s lots of things I see in the world I don’t like and I just ignore it.” Anti-flag petition organizer Lana Wilson claims the flag is controversial, divisive, and promotes intolerance … The Canadian Centre for Bio-ethical Reform placed pro-life advertisements on the outside of buses in Peterborough, Ont., for three months beginning April 1. One ad says “abortion kills children” and another shows a developing fetus with the words “growing, growing, gone.” Similar ads were banned in the city of Grand Prairie, Alberta, and CCBR lost a legal challenge against the city. In January they appealed the decision, and officials in Peterborough are watching how the case is resolved. Grande Prairie claims the buses create a “captive audience” and deny the constitutional rights of passers-by and passengers to not see the ads if they disagree with the message… Alberta Progressive Conservative leader Jason Kenney criticized the order of Alberta Education Minister David Eggen to all school boards forbidding them from informing parents if their children join a gay-straight alliance or identify themselves as homosexual or transgender to their teachers. Eggen suggested letting parents know about the sexuality of their children puts students’ lives at risk. Kenney told the Calgary Herald, “I do, however, believe parents have a right to know what’s going on with their kids in the schools unless the parents are abusive.” Originally, Wildrose Party leader Brian Jean agreed with the NDP government’s policy but later called Eggen’s order “heavy-handed” and said the issue should be dealt with on a case-by-case basis … Parents as First Educators condemned the York Region District School Board’s online “school climate” survey that asked Grade 5 and 6 students about their “gender identity.” Tanya Granic-Allen of PAFE said that she is concerned the survey of personal information is conducted during class time and without parental involvement. The survey is voluntary, but schools are mandated to carry it out every two years under the Safe School Act passed by the Kathleen Wynne government in 2012 … According to a March 28 Canada Revenue Agency memo obtained by LifeSiteNews, the tax collection agency is ramping up its promotion of LGBTQ issues in the workplace by officially marking the International Day of Pink, the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, and Pride Month every year. The agency will also introduce a “Positive Spaces Initiative” to “enhance the work experience of all employees by creating a safer, more tolerant and open-minded environment.”

United States

The Planned Parenthood Federation of America announced it would honour former first lady and losing 2016 Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as its “Champion of the Century” at its 100th anniversary gala in May. Planned Parenthood said it will thank Clinton for “40 years of service to women and girls in this country.” In her losing campaign for president last year, Clinton touted her support for abortion-on-demand and called for taxpayer funding of abortion both in the US and abroad … The Donald Trump administration withdrew US funding from the United Nations Population Fund because of its participation in Red China’s forced abortion regime. The State Department issued a statement saying, “This determination was made based on the fact that China’s family planning policies still involve the use of coercive abortion and involuntary sterilisation, and UNFPA partners on family planning activities with the Chinese government agency responsible for these coercive policies.” Reggie Littlejohn, president of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, said, “We are thrilled that the U.S. is no longer funding forced abortion and involuntary sterilization in China. The blood of Chinese women and babies will no longer be on our hands” … The pro-life investigative team at LiveAction reported that “Documents from three states indicate that babies may be born alive after abortions more often then we might expect,” noting that data for 2015 from three states (Florida, Michigan, and Minnesota) shows that 10 babies were born alive after an abortion attempt.