Soldiers given subsidized MAPs

Tel Aviv – The Jerusalem Post reports that the Israeli Defence Force is distributing the “morning-after pill” Postinor 2 to female soldiers at a subsidized cost. Until the new policy was enacted, “female soldiers were given permission to purchase the pill from civilian pharmacies with their own money.” The IDF dismisses female soldiers who become pregnant but the Post reports that the “unspoken policy is to allow a female solider to undergo one abortion during her military service.”

Court says BBC wrong to censor pro-life ads

London – The BBC will ask the House of Lords to reverse a decision that would force it to air a political party broadcast that shows what the British network considers “shocking” images of abortion. The Court of Appeal overturned a High Court judgment and ruled the BBC and independent channels had acted illegally by refusing to show part of a Pro-life party broadcast in a 1997 election.

Study links birth control and cancer

Geneva – A study by the World Health Organization has reported that taking birth control pills can quadruple the risk of cervical cancer in women infected with the human papilloma virus. The study concludes the longer women infected with HPV took the birth control pill, the greater their chance of developing cervical cancer. HPV is one of the most prevalent sexually transmitted diseases in Canada, yet advocates of “women’s health” have thus far not reacted to the report or warned women about the dangers of birth control pills.

Pro-lifers silenced in South Africa

Johannesburg- Parliamentary hearings on the Choice of Termination of Pregnancy Act were held in the South African Parliament on May 7 and 8. Not one pro-life group was invited to make oral submissions and the health committee chairman tried to prevent pro-lifers from exercising their democratic rights by threatening police action if they continued carrying placards depicting a newborn baby and a fetus with the captions: “They can’t speak; neither can we” and “They can’t speak. Now we are not allowed to speak for them.”

Although the Reproductive Rights Alliance claims to be “pro-choice,” they made no recommendations on alternatives to abortion and requested increased funds for abortion. The Alliance went so far as to suggest criminalizing medical professionals for not committing abortions as one way to increase abortion access in the country. Since the Termination of Pregnancy Act came into force in 1996, more than 220,000 babies have been killed by abortion.