Prominent U.S. pro-life activist John Cavanagh O’Keefe often expressed the opinion that no conference was complete unless the speeches and workshops were followed by action.

Taking this to heart, almost eighty conference delegates carrying signs participated in an early morning picket of Women’s Hospital, where over 2,000 preborn babies are killed each year.

While security guards and hospital staff were surprised by the 7:30 a.m. picket, no action was threatened or taken, largely due to the peaceful, orderly conduct of the pro-lifers.

Reaction from motorists was extremely positive with the majority sounding their horns in a gesture of encouragement.

Following the hour-long demonstration, several of the picketers proceeded to the home of abortionist Mahood and held a sidewalk picket which, while quiet, nevertheless provoked the abortionist and his wife to verbal abuse of the pro-lifers.

Forsaking logic in favour of rhetoric, Mahood concentrated on veteran pro-lifer activist and former Saskatchewan Member of the Legislative Assembly, Gay Caswell.  Inaccurately accusing her of abandoning the Tories to join the Reform Party, he shouted, “You never had any integrity,”  When a pro-lifer reminded him that there was no integrity in taking the lives of babies, the abortionist retreated, calling upon the picketers to keep the argument intellectual.

This demonstration concluded without incident.  Other residents were reminded of what their neighbour does for a living and the Winnipeg media chose not to ignore the event.  All in all, pro-lifers had a successful morning.