Earlier this year, the Pro Life Society of British Columbia petitioned the BC government to have June 12-18 proclaimed “Protect Human Life Week.”
The carefully-worded proclamation asked for three resolutions – firstly, that the government be recognized as supportive of the dignity and potential of all human life. Secondly, that the future and greater good for mankind be considered when questions of bioethics are to be answered. And, thirdly, that these resolutions be recognized in the proclamation of “Protect Human Life Week.”
Neither the unborn nor abortion were mentioned in the petition. Nevertheless, the request was denied. Barry Kelsey, Assistant Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Provincial Secretary and Government Services, stated:
“It is felt that such a proclamation would be inappropriate given that it concerns a controversial major social issue in which there are many varying and competing points of view. A government proclamation would appear to endorse one point of view.”
Since the proposed proclamation contained no reference to any hot issues, it would seem that today politicians are unwilling even to conserve or protect what we have.