There are more abortions than live births among City of Toronto residents. A Globe & Mail report of July 17, 1983, made public city Health Department figures for 1981.
In 1981, 8,313 abortions were recorded for city residents. In the same year, the number of live births was 7,597. These statistics are a stark contrast to 1975 when more than 10,000 births and that was more than double the number of abortions.
These figures do not include residents of Metro Toronto who live outside the City of Toronto, and includes only abortions performed in accredited hospitals with abortion committees as required by the Criminal Code.
Single women account for 63 per cent of abortions. Married women, or those living with a man, represent 28 per cent. The remaining 9 per cent are listed as separated, divorced, or widowed.
Teenage abortions were just over 1,500 in 1981. This is almost double the 1975 figure.