Party offers pro-lifers a precious opportunity
The Family Coalition Party of Ontario has been causing pro-lifers to sit up and take notice. Several things have contributed to this positive trend: the Tories have disappointed pro-family voters deeply, and all other parties support the court-injunction against pro-life counselling at abortion clinics.
An FCP ad asks the question, “Did your vote put this grandmother in jail?,” under a picture of Cambridge pro-lifer Anneliese Steden, jailed last fall for her witness outside the Scott facility in Toronto. We should be asking ourselves, “Will my vote put her in jail again?”
If your answer is a resounding “No!” then please consider voting FCP. The main reason to vote FCP, however, is the same reason you would vote for any party: they have the best principles and policies, and they have candidates you know you can trust.
With respect to its principles, the FCP is the only party in Ontario that believes in the family as the building block of society. Do you believe the family is the building block of society? Why vote for a government that has a completely different worldview?
With respect to its policies, the FCP would end government funding of abortion. None of the other parties would, even though even most people who are pro-choice oppose funding for elective procedures.
Most of the Harris government’s policies on the economy and education are basically accepted among social conservatives. You might be interested to know that the FCP was advocating them long before Harris was.
There are differences though. The FCP favours giving everyone, including people with low incomes, a tax cut by eliminating the PST. Harris is silent about that. And you know that the Liberals and the NDP would never think of it.
The FCP is in favour of more parental control of schools. Although the Harris government has revised the curriculum, they have also centralized power in the hands of the ministry of education.
As far as health care goes, yes, we know that Harris has increased health care spending. But the FCP says that if he would cut government waste, more could be spent on health care.
With respect to trustworthy candidates, I have had the privilege of getting to know Janne Jardine-Campbell, the FCP candidate in Lanark-Carleton, and I have come to regard her as a very nice lady, a strong candidate, and someone who seriously desires the best for Ontario.
I really think that if she just had a little bit more support, she would have as much chance as the Conservative candidate. It isn’t a question of people not agreeing with the FCP, it’s just that they don’t get out and work. If you live in Lanark-Carleton, you have a special lady running for you; please support her.
While Janne Jardine-Campbell is the only FCP candidate running in the Ottawa area, in Toronto the picture is brighter. The FCP is running candidates in the majority of ridings there, and the candidate for York-Centre, Mike Spensiari, is a former Liberal MPP.
I was talking to him recently and he said that he left the legislature after one term to spend more time with his family, but he thinks now is the right time to return. Mr. Spensiari is an accomplished lawyer who held important posts in his party while in the legislature. York-Centre includes a large section of the old riding he used to represent, and so it’s hoped he has a strong base of support.
And lastly, let’s not forget party leader Giuseppe Gori, candidate in Halton. Mr. Gori has a doctorate in computer science from the University of Pisa, is a private computer consultant, and has developed a musical teaching method called “Music You Can Read.” He has been a very active member of his community in many ways.
If you are a voter, you have a very important responsibility. If you live in a riding where there is an FCP candidate, you have a choice not all of us have. And even if you’re like me and aren’t yet old enough to vote, or even if you don’t live in a riding with an FCP candidate, you can still support the FCP by being a volunteer, giving a financial donation, and – most importantly – offering prayers for the party’s efforts.
The FCP is a real party, with real candidates, real policies, and most importantly, real values. They have a solid platform on all issues, and they have solid candidates. If you want a better Ontario, vote for a better party. I firmly believe that that party is the FCP.
For a full list of FCP candidates, visit the FCP website at http://www.familyparty. or phone the FCP at (905) 640-6702.