Editor’s Note: On March 10, Conservative MP Brad Trost (Saskatoon—University) praised Denise Hounjet-Roth, president of Campaign Life Coalition Saskatchewan. Here are his remarks.

Conservative MP Brad Trost honoured Denise Hounjet-Roth during statements in the House of Commons.

Conservative MP Brad Trost honoured Denise Hounjet-Roth during statements in the House of Commons.

Madam Speaker, I rise today to recognize one of my constituents. Born in Prud’homme, Saskatchewan, Denise Hounjet-Roth has brought zeal to everything she has touched in life.

As a teacher in the Saskatoon Separate School Division, she brought passion to her mission of teaching students. It was, however, during her time at university that she first became known for her passion for defending human life.

Denise is known for volunteering countless hours working with Campaign Life Coalition and the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, praying in front of hospitals and organizing demonstrations to support the sanctity of life from conception to natural death.

This passion has also led her to an active role in politics, first with the Liberals for Life campaign and then later with the Conservative campaigns in Saskatoon.

Denise Hounjet-Roth

Denise Hounjet-Roth

Denise was married to Louis Roth in 1982 and is mum to Gregory and Jonathan, mum-in-law to Elizabeth, and grandma to four-month-old Olivia. Family is central to her life.

Denise, by God’s grace, we pray that everything goes well with your current battle. We will see you again this year, curling, politicking, protesting, and praying in the way that only you can.