Ontario Social Services Minister John Sweeney felt obliged to announce on June 2, 1988 that he approves the licensing of abortion clinics. The Toronto Star (June 2) headed its article “Pro-Lifer supports clinic plan.”

Sweeney is an example of what happens to pro-life politicians who insist on staying loyal to committed pro-abortion parties, premiers and cabinets.

John Sweeney’s reputation for being pro-life dates from the time his party was in opposition. When the Ontario Liberals came to power in May 1985, he was no longer permitted to state his views publicly. In November 1986 the Toronto Star reported him as objecting to being treated as “Mr. Anti-abortionist”; “I accept Section 251 of the Criminal Code,” he then stated.

From then on Sweeney remained silent even though the Peterson government introduced new pro-abortion policies and measures. The change from pro-life to accepting abortion was completed in June, 1988. Stated the Toronto Star: Community and Social Services Minister John Sweeney said he supports a plan to finance and regulate freestanding clinics because it could prevent a proliferation of abortion clinics.