If, as Congressman Hyde said so well, the most fundamental obligation of a politician is the protection of human life, then so we not have an obligation to seriously consider what we can do with our political arena in Canada?

The Pro-Life movement is non-partisan which means it does not take sides one way or another for a particular party.  However, we can observe our local candidates, no matter what party they belong to, find out where they stand and decide how we are going to vote in conscience and perhaps educate others in our community in that regard.  The New Democratic Party has made it clear where they stand on this issue.  The Liberal Party to a great extent is responsible for the mess that this whole picture is in now. [The PC Party supports the present law]  I think we have an obligation to press each candidate to clarify where they stand and to press them to take a forthright stand on this issue.

When a candidate says to you “Yes, I’m Pro-life,” as someone mentioned recently, they are not really pro-life as a political representative unless they vote and speak against abortion.  If they say “Don’t you know I’m Pro-Life, don’t you know I belong to your church?” or “I live in your neighbourhood.  You’ve known me for years.  You know I’m Pro-Life.”  Let’s ask them. “If you are, what have you done about it, if you have been in office?  Did you absent yourself from the House when the vote was taken on this issue?  Or if you’re up for election …”

Mr. Peter Eldridge

Board member of Nova Scotia

Council for Life speaking after

Congressman Hyde.