MP Ted Falk

MP Ted Falk

Conservative MP Ted Falk (Provencher) took to the floor of Parliament on Dec. 10 to deliver a short Christmas message calling on his colleagues to keep in mind the holiday’s true meaning.

“On a recent flight, I noticed a beautiful sunset unfolding right outside my window. A stunning display of light filled with a rainbow of colors. It lasted only a few minutes and then it was dark again,” he began. “At this festive time of year, we celebrate with lights all around us. We decorate our trees, our offices, our homes.”

Falk asked his colleagues to “remember that there was and is one light above all others, and that’s God’s son Jesus.”

“Jesus said, ‘I am the light of the world; whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life,’ he continued. “And Jesus called us to be lights, as well. He said, ‘you are the light of the world; let your light shine before others.’”

“Mr. Speaker, let the lights all around us this Christmas remind us to be guided by the one true light, and reflect the light of Jesus’ love in our lives,” Falk concluded. “May we all be the light that brightens this world. Mr. Speaker, Merry Christmas.”

Falk is a pro-life, pro-family politician who is no stranger to professing his values in the face of opposition. In May, he shouted, “it is not a right!” in the House of Commons in response to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau declaring that the Liberal Party “will always be unequivocal in standing up for a woman’s right to choose” abortion.

Back in 2016, Falk came under fire for refusing to attend an LGBT “pride” march in Manitoba. “Even without a scheduling conflict, my decision to not attend would be the same. I’ve been clear on this issue many times, and have made my position public on my values of faith, family and community,” he said at the time. “Just as I respect the right of people to participate in this event, I am hopeful the event organizers will be respectful of my choice, and the choice of many others, not to participate.”

 This article originally appeared Dec. 11 at LifeSiteNews and is reprinted with permission.