Liberal leader Jean Chrétien’s campaign trail through Ontario has not been a particularly happy one.  In Toronto, Kingston and London, pro-lifers have dogged Chrétien on his stance on abortion and his reluctance to allow pro-lifers to run as Liberal candidates.

In Stratford, over 35 pro-lifers appeared at the Liberal Party headquarters holding signs which read “Abortion Kills Children” and “Stop Abortion Now,” as they awaited the arrival of the Liberal leader.  The event, which was supposed to be a simple pre-election visit turned into a heated pushing match as Liberal organizers realized they were being upstaged.

The media were out in full force to observe Liberal organizers pushing activists away from the entrance of the campaign headquarters and hurling insults at them.

London Campaign Life Coalition spokesman, Paul Nicholson, said that, “each time activists bring this issue (abortion) to the fore, they gain a tremendous victory for the children.”

In Kingston, Chrétien had to run another pro-life gauntlet when fifteen members of Campaign Life Coalition Kingston were on hand as he was entering the studios of CKWS-TV.

Spokesperson Mary Ellen Douglas asked him about the unborn babies.  Chrétien refused to reply but looked visibly uncomfortable.

Liberal insiders claim that these impromptu meetings with pro-life demonstrators cause Chrétien much trouble.  In Toronto recently, he had to shorten a media appearance when confronted by pro-lifers.