
Through the treat of rain hung over the crowd walking from a local school to the Kiwanis Waterfal Park across the street from the constituency office of NDP MP, less Benjamin, 200 people enthusiastically joined in the third annual Walk-for-Life in Regina on Saturday morning, May 7.

Sponsored by the Regina League for Human Life, the annual walk raised money to support pro-life work in Regina and is aimed at raising Regina’s consciousness of life issues including infanticide, euthanasia and abortion.

Walkers were led by Dr. Morris Shumiatchter, lawyer for the October 1988 Borowski Supreme Court appeal; Catholic Archbishop Charles Halpin: Reverend John Bergen, pastor of the Regional Christian Fellowship; Michael Martorana, Miller High School teacher; and Dr. Joe Bergman, president of the Regina League for Human Life.

More than 100 signs and banners were created and carried by high school students from Miller and Leboldus High Schools.

When the walkers reached Waterfall park, Dr. Schumiatcher delivered a meditation written by Rabbi Solomon Truzman of Beth Jacob Synagogue and Archbishop Halpin praised God for his precious gift of life and asked:

“Give us largeness of heart, Give us compassion, We need protection for the unborn. We offer generous sharing of our goods with all who have been born.”

Reverend Bergen dynamically proclaimed the need for immediate action by all Canadians on behalf of unborn children. “It is gratifying to me to see 200 people of all ages, marching with banners declaring their support for the unborn. In a day when babies were poisoned, dismembered and even sometimes sliced up and preserved for modern science to exploit, this Walk-for-Life is very timely.”