After decades of irresponsible governments frittering away billions of dollars, Canada has become one of the Western World’s most heavily indebted countries.

Now we must begin paying for our fiscal sins and Finance Minister Paul Martin’s budget will be the first in a long run of penitential belt-tighteners.  The days of government largesse are gone.

Current wisdom says that government cuts will greatly alter the Canadian way of life.  We will no longer be able to rely completely on the government to take care of us.  In order to control our soaring $550 billion debt, government health-care spending will drop, welfare coverage will be slashed and our universal social security safety net will slowly be removed.

Oddly enough, this idea of fiscal thrift presents the Canadian pro-life movement with a not altogether unfortunate scenario.  Not wanting to radically over-haul Canada’s high-cost social security structures, Mr. Martin will search everywhere to root out needless expenditures.

This means that government-funded special interest groups which have long dominated the Ottawa scene will finally receive a jolt.

Funding to feminist groups should be among the first cuts.  Led by the National Action Committee on the Status of Women, these groups annually receive $10 million to promote abortion and undermine traditional family values.  NAC currently runs an annual deficit of $60,000 and without government money, the organization will collapse.

It also stands to reason that Canada’s financial backing to the United Nations should be cut.  For years, this country has been giving a yearly block amount of $247 million, along with an assessment fee of almost twice that.  This funding makes Canada one of the world’s highest per capita supporters of the UN’s ominous anti-family, anti-religious social engineering programs.

Planned Parenthood, long a thorn in the side of the pro-life movement, might also see cuts.  Perhaps the government could replace this expensive but highly ineffective condom-pushing organization with one or all of the low-cost chastity programs that are springing up across Canada.

The National Film Board of Canada can also anticipate budget cuts.  This body, which was originally set up to promote the development of Canadian film production, has become the haven for 60s-raised producers who spend millions every year producing radically anti-Christian, anti-family, feminist films.

Perhaps, too, the infamous Court Challenges Program will be abolished.  Over its disastrous run, this Trudeau-inspired program has handed untold millions of dollars to any feminist or homosexual group who wished to challenge Canada’s Charter.

One can hear the outraged cries of special interest groups as they see their once dependable government monies evaporate.  However, most Canadians who view debt-reduction as a must for this country will not be offering a sympathetic ear.

An era of fiscal restraint is upon us.  The new Ottawa philosophy will be that unless it is absolutely necessary, the government will not pay for it.  Future budgets, both federal and provincial, will continue this trend.

In keeping with this philosophy, the time has come for pro-lifers to put government support of abortion on the front burner.  Abortion is not a medically necessary health procedure and taxpayers should not be forced to pay for this death-dealing industry.

To the majority of Canadians, this would be the kindest cut of all.