After any election, the only statistic that should interest pro-lifers is whether or not the results offer a step forward in the fight to protect preborn children, their mothers, the disabled and the medically vulnerable. At this early stage, the overall numbers of known pro-life MPs elected shows a decline from the numbers of the last Parliament, but the election shows a decline from the numbers of the last Parliament, but the election campaign itself has confirmed a growing determination among pro-lifers to make our issues the qualifying factor in their election day decision.

During this election campaign, more candidates were offered the opportunity to state their views on abortion and euthanasia than in any previous campaign. More advertisements were placed in newspapers across the country, giving voters the information on candidates. More telephone calls were received in Campaign Life Coalition offices from pro-lifers wanting to know where their candidates stood on the issues than in any previous campaign. More pro-lifers stated that they were willing to swallow party loyalties and vote on a candidate’s stand on abortion than ever before.

No, we did not elect a pro-life Parliament. Yes, some staunch pro-life MPs went down because so many voters were furious at the Progressive Conservatives and wanted a change. But, equally importantly, many staunch PC and NDP pro-abortionists were also thrown out.

The growth in political involvement on the part of so many pro-lifers is a step forward for the preborn.

It is now up to the pro-life movement to encourage its supporters to keep up this political momentum and continue to work with the newly-elected MPs so that the issues are put high on the parliamentary agenda.

Pro-lifers can make a difference by becoming involved in riding associations now. There could never be a better opportunity for pro-lifers to bring about change. Choose the party whose other policies most attract you, and begin working quietly at the local level to reach a position where you can influence policy, especially on pro-life and pro-family issues.

Liberal pro-lifers now have an obligation to redouble their efforts to promote the pro-life cause while their party is in power. And, finally, Reform pro-lifers, of which there seem to be many, must work hard to ensure that their party becomes honestly representative of all Canadians by developing a clear policy to defend the lives of the preborn and medically vulnerable.

The next five years should not be seen as a no-win situation for the preborn. The doors are open and it is up to the pro-life movement to seize the moment.