In this edition of The Interim, Ontario subscribers will notice a membership form for the Progressive Conservative Party. The Monte McNaughton campaign paid for this insert in the paper to sign up pro-life and pro-family voters to the party in order for them to be able to vote for him in the May PC leadership race. The Interim accepted this as paid advertising.

We encourage all Ontarians, regardless of their party affiliation or inclination, to take out a membership and support the pro-life candidates running for leader. As we report on page seven of this edition, Campaign Life Coalition has endorsed two candidates: McNaughton and Patrick Brown. Both have been deemed supportable and the PC Party’s preferential ballot allows members to vote for both of them.

We in the pro-life movement have the rare opportunity to elect a pro-life provincial party leader. We should put aside our partisanship – and our political cynicism – to help elect those who uphold life and family principles to positions of leadership. Please purchase a PC Party membership form and return it and payment immediately to be eligible before the Feb. 28 deadline. Also, please do not send the membership forms to CLC or The Interim.