Welcome to the new website for The Interim, Canada’s life and family newspaper. As a newspaper printed on dead tree and mailed to subscribers, we’ve been around since 1983. Our original website was launched in the 1990s and updated in 2008. That is decades ago in internet time and our overhaul is long overdue. Better late than never is not a phrase an editor should ever give credence to, but we think the wait has been worth it.

We will be adding new features in early 2021, but the big change now is that most recent stories will be accessible only to our digital subscribers. This was not an easy decision, but quality journalism is worth paying for and we hope you agree. You can subscribe here.

Another important change is that our new website is mobile-friendly. We know that many people gave up checking TheInterim.com because they couldn’t read it on their phones. That won’t be a problem any more. 

We’ve also added a modern (in a good way) look to the website. Our popular roster of columnists has its own button at the top and the list of topics is more stream-lined. We hope you find the website easier to use and that you will return to it frequently.

We will be publishing a handful of stories each month that will be accessible to all visitors and our blog Soconvivium will be free to all. But the bulk of recent content is for subscribers only. After a year, the material that appears in the physical newspaper and is posted behind the subscriber wall online will become accessible. The stories in our archives, all 37 years of it, excluding the last four months, are free. We want our archives to be accessible to all; as the paper of record for life and family issues in Canada and abroad, we want researchers, from high school and university to government and academia, to be able to access the insightful reporting and commentary that this paper has offered over the years.

We hope you will consider subscribing. If you are able, we would also like you to consider donating.

We’d also appreciate your feedback. You can email us at letters@theinterim.com.

Paul Tuns is the editor of The Interim.