Campaign Life Coalition

Amnesty International reasserts pro-abortion position

On Sept. 28, Amnesty International, the international human rights group, announced it was updating its "sexual and reproductive rights" policy, essentially reaffirming its pro-abortion position. Amnesty International had previously supported abortion in certain circumstances, although it released papers and launched campaigns that supported broadening abortion in numerous countries and circumstances. It now calls for full decriminalization of abortion. Amnesty International is "calling [...]

2020-12-06T15:50:48-05:00October 31, 2020|Abortion, Announcements|

Peterborough pro-life icon passes

Paul Morgan, a long-time pro-life activist in Peterborough, passed away on Sept. 2 at the age of 85. Jim Hughes, president emeritus of Campaign Life Coalition, told The Interim that he met Morgan more than 35 years ago, and that he was involved in everything the pro-life movement was active in. Morgan became a board member for CLC Ontario in the 1980s [...]

2020-12-06T15:56:09-05:00October 26, 2020|Pro-Life, Pro-life Groups|

Erin O’Toole & the direction of the Conservative Party

On August 24, Erin O’Toole won the Conservative Party of Canada leadership, mostly on the strength of support as a second- or third-choice of pro-life and other socially conservative members of the party who voted for Derek Sloan and Leslyn Lewis. O’Toole was behind presumptive frontrunner Peter MacKay after the first and second ballot. On the first ballot, Campaign Life Coalition green-lit [...]

2020-12-06T16:42:11-05:00September 27, 2020|Announcements, Conservatives, Election, Politics|

Independent candidate runs against sex-ed in Scarborough-Rouge River

Queenie Yu says that "complaining is useless" so she's running as an independent candidate in an Ontario by-election in order to put her principles into action. The principle in question is Kathleen Wynne's radical sex-ed curriculum which Yu says "will do harm to children." Yu is running on one issue: to fully repeal the sex-ed curriculum that the Liberal government introduced in [...]

2016-08-15T12:04:51-04:00August 15, 2016|Issues, Sex Education, Soconvivium|

Our coverage of Canada’s National March for Life

One of our two cover stories from the June edition of the paper is now online: "Massive National March for Life." There are also plenty of photos. The Interim thanks and congratulates everyone who participated in the National March for Life organized by Campaign Life Coalition, as well as the many thousands who took part in eight regional marches across the country [...]

2014-06-03T10:09:19-04:00June 3, 2014|Soconvivium|

Upcoming Ontario pro-life conferences

Campaign Life Coalition is hosting a series of smaller pro-life conferences in three Ontario cities this Fall: Kitchener (September 15), Ajax (September 22), and Sudbury (October 13). Details and registration forms are available here. Each event is $25 including lunch and is held on a single day. It is inexpensive and convenient. Paul Tuns, editor of The Interim, will be speaking at the Kitchener Pro-Life Forum on "Why a small pro-life paper will outlast [...]

2012-08-13T14:21:31-04:00August 13, 2012|Soconvivium|

CLC announces change in B.C. leadership

A press release from Campaign Life Coalition: Campaign Life Coalition announces change in B.C. leadership For Immediate Release Toronto, Aug. 3, 2012 - Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) announced today that as of Tuesday July 26, 2012, John Hof, president of CLC British Columbia, had resigned from his post to pursue other pro-life work in the province. The CLC National Office in Toronto will [...]

2012-08-08T12:27:05-04:00August 8, 2012|Soconvivium|
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