
Family thankful for the time they had with child

Nothing could have prepared Gillian DeSouza for the news she would receive during what was supposed to have been a routine pregnancy care check-up in June of 2008. At the 20th week in her pregnancy, the doctor told Gillian and her husband, Jason DeSouza, that their unborn child had a rare anomaly called “Trisomy X.” Commonly referred to as Triple [...]

2009-12-03T08:36:08-05:00December 1, 2009|Announcements, Features, Marriage and Family, Pro-Life|

Promoting childlessness, celebrating selfishness

Childlessness is becoming more popular and the proof is apparent not only in sub-replacement fertility levels and 100,000 abortions every year in Canada, it is being mainstreamed in the popular culture. Maclean’s ran a cover story on August 3, entitled, “The Case Against Having Kids.” A new book by French author Corinne Maier, No Kids, 40 Good Reasons Not to Have Children, [...]

2009-09-29T05:25:30-04:00September 29, 2009|Editorials|
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