Yearly Archives: 2009

Former MP Gus Mitges, RIP

Gut Mitges, a pro-life former MP who passed away on Nov. 1 at the age of 90, is being mourned by the Canadian pro-life community. Mitges spent more than two decades representing the rural southwestern Ontario ridings of Grey-Simcoe and Bruce-Grey, distinguishing himself by voting against the repatriation of the Canadian Constitution because it did not protect the right to [...]

2009-12-23T08:20:37-05:00December 23, 2009|Politics, Profiles|

Speaking the truth, no matter what

I accuse. The various federal and provincial human rights commissions of discrimination. Against me. Because, for years now, I have spoken out against same-sex “marriage,” the excesses of the gay community and Muslim extremism in my column as well as on my television show, watched by 250,000 people. Good Lord, I’ve even made speeches on these issues, addressing thousands of people. I [...]

2009-12-23T08:13:09-05:00December 23, 2009|Columnist, Michael Coren|

U.S. points to ways to reduce abortion

In a headline story on Nov. 8, the New York Times reported that, by voting to ban federal funding for abortion from the major health-care reform bill under consideration in the United States Congress, the House of Representatives “has energized the opponents of abortion with their biggest victory in years.” Quite so. The $1.1 trillion House health-care reform bill proposes [...]

2009-12-23T08:10:36-05:00December 23, 2009|Columnist, Rory Leishman|

Defending Disney

A few months ago, I found myself having to defend a major entertainment corporation while a guest on a national TV show – not the sort of position any critic relishes. A critic’s credibility is a fragile thing, but you’re always safe defaulting to the contrarian, lone wolf stance much beloved of politicians on the election trail, young rock bands with a [...]

2009-12-23T08:07:35-05:00December 23, 2009|Columnist, Rick McGinnis|

Frank in the White House

How I made it into the inner recesses of the White House remains a mystery to me, but there I was in the War Room of the CIA Office of Political Disinformation. I had to hurdle a number of obstructions that would have stopped dead any spy getting in and ended up standing before a tall, imposing gentleman with dark glasses who [...]

2009-12-23T08:02:41-05:00December 23, 2009|Columnist, Frank Kennedy|

Man in coma misdiagnosed for 23 years

A Belgian man diagnosed as being in a persistent vegetative state (PVS) for 23 years after an automobile accident was found to be conscious the whole time. Rather he had a condition known as Locked-in Syndrome, in which a person is fully aware of all of their surroundings, but due to their cognitive disability are unable to respond. After being re-diagnosed by [...]

2009-12-23T07:58:40-05:00December 23, 2009|Euthanasia|

Across Canada

Canadian swine flu vaccine ethically produced OTTAWA – Children of God for Life, a pro-life group that provides information on vaccines, confirms that Arepanrix, the HIN1 vaccine produced by GlaxoSmithKline, is produced with chicken embryos and does not use fetal cell lines in its manufacture. Health Canada’s Arepanrix product information leaflet says the “H1N1 antigen is prepared from virus grown in the [...]

2009-12-23T07:57:12-05:00December 23, 2009|Across Canada, News Bits|

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

We are headed toward our Christmas vacations. There might be blogging if something catches our interest. Regular blogging will return the first week of January. The staff at The Interim wish you a joyful, safe and holy Christmas and very happy New Year. God bless all you for reading the paper both online and in dead tree. We appreciate everything you do for [...]

2009-12-22T10:03:19-05:00December 22, 2009|Soconvivium|

The Nelson sell out

You probably know by now that Senator Ben Nelson's charade has ended has publicly endorsed the phony compromise on abortion funding put forward by Senators Robert Casey Jr. and Harry Reid (Jill Stanek has a number of links and comments) and that Obamacare will probably now pass the Senate later this week. As I have written numerous times, this is just one more  [...]

2009-12-21T09:46:59-05:00December 21, 2009|Soconvivium|

MP takes up cause of green sex toys

Liberal MP Carolyn Bennett (St. Paul)  was approached by the entrepreneurs behind Red Tent Sex (which I noted earlier) to take up the cause of ridding sex toys of dangerous chemicals. Carolyn Bennett said: "Sex is a pretty common activity, and these sexual toys are certainly a growing market, and I really do feel at the moment we’ve got a bit of a double standard in terms [...]

2009-12-18T10:19:03-05:00December 18, 2009|Soconvivium|

Population offsets

Pop Offsets is a way for guilty-feeling Westerners to pay for their use of carbon dioxide (CO2s) through the modern indulgence system known as carbon offsets. In this particular scheme, you calculate your carbon footprint and make a donation to an entity run by the Optimum Population Trust which funnels the money to "family planning" programs, and from what I can see [...]

2009-12-18T09:28:00-05:00December 18, 2009|Soconvivium|

Eco-sex is pro-life (sort of)

Andrea Mrozek at ProWomanProLife takes note of Red Tent Sisters, a Toronto outfit that teaches people to practice environmentally friendly sex by avoiding non-contracepting sex with all its awful chemicals that are bad for women and the environment. It is effectively natural family planning with a different brand of moralizing (environmental instead of religious). But as Mrozek suggests, it would be a great way for the [...]

2009-12-18T09:03:38-05:00December 18, 2009|Soconvivium|

Assorted links (12/18)

The Washington Post reports that Senator Ben Nelson is largely responsible gumming up the Senate health care bill. While news reports focus on his attempts to ensure abortion is not subsidized, he has also expressed concerns about the government takeover of health care more generally, a fact ignored by the Post.  Susan B. Anthony List wrote to Senator Robert Casey Jr. to note this dissatisfaction with the compromise [...]

2009-12-18T09:01:41-05:00December 18, 2009|Soconvivium|

Casey a weasel, Nelson stands strong

Politico reports that pro-lifers are against the Casey compromise language. Jill Stanek reports that Senator Ben Nelson is rejecting Casey's compromise as insufficient. The Casey language will allow public subsidies to insurance plans that cover abortion in a fund-segregation scheme. In other words it is not compromise language in any way because money is fungible. Doug Johnson, legislative director of the National Right to Life Committee, [...]

2009-12-17T14:05:35-05:00December 17, 2009|Soconvivium|
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