Monthly Archives: March 2023

And then there was this … April 2023

Brain-dead women as ‘baby machines’ We have learned that a German molecular biologist, Hashem Al-Ghaili, is developing Ectolife, transparent artificial wombs where babies will be conceived and “housed” until birth, while their parents can look on as spectators. He said the technology could be used to reverse declining birth rates in countries such as Bulgar, Japan, and South Korea. LifeSiteNews reports that [...]

2023-03-31T10:59:04-04:00March 31, 2023|Abortion, Marriage and Family, Religion, Society & Culture|

A theory of identity

Josie Luetke: Interim writer, Josie Luetke, Talk Turkey I regularly do activism with abortion victim photography (AVP)—“Choice” Chains, through which we show what “choice” looks like. I’m convinced of the merit of this action, reassured that regardless of whether or not I have productive conversations, passersby likely will feel more negatively towards abortion, and—at minimum—can no longer claim ignorance. I [...]

2023-03-31T10:56:05-04:00March 31, 2023|Abortion, Josie Luetke|

World’s end: enjoy the decline

Rick McGinnis: Interim writer, Rick McGinnis, Amusements There’s an evergreen appeal to books about the world going to hell. There might be better or worse times to tell a story about civilization falling apart – the ‘30s and ‘70s were ripe for it; the ‘60s and ‘90s not so much. We’re in one of those doomsaying boom times again. I [...]

2023-03-30T11:03:38-04:00March 30, 2023|Reviews, Rick McGinnis, Society & Culture|

Religious leaders refused to see red flags

John Carpay: Since early 2020, the majority of religious leaders around the world have supported lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccination passports, and other coercive measures that violated the freedom, prosperity, and well-being of millions of citizens. As just one prominent example, in August of 2021 Pope Francis and other bishops praised the new Covid vaccine as “safe and effective.” Vatican City pressured all [...]

2023-03-30T10:43:10-04:00March 30, 2023|John Carpay, Religion|

Pope Benedict’s prophetic radio address

Rory Leishman: Pope Benedict XVI was not just one of the leading Christian theologians of his era. He also had remarkable prophetic insight. In a brilliant lecture broadcast on the radio in 1969, he foresaw that the then-still relatively strong and theologically coherent Catholic Church was heading toward a catastrophic decline. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger predicted: “As the number of its adherents diminishes, [...]

2023-03-29T11:46:02-04:00March 29, 2023|Religion|

Frank Pavone laicized by Pope Francis

Editor’s Note: It is with a heavy heart that The Interim reports on the laicization of Frank Pavone and the fallout from the announcement in December. But as the pro-life paper of record, we have a duty to factually report about the events that transpired before and after the announcement of the laicization of a major international pro-life figure. Paul Tuns: On [...]

2023-03-29T09:24:07-04:00March 29, 2023|Abortion, Religion|

Marshall McLuhan

Donald DeMarco, Commentary: Herbert Marshall McLuhan (July 21, 1911-Dec. 31, 1980), as most Canadians may know, was a cornerstone to the study of the media. He was, in many ways, ahead of his field. Therefore, he was both widely misunderstood and widely praised. He was an enigma. He was dubbed the “guru of the electric age” and yet his basic philosophical vision was [...]

2023-03-28T22:52:11-04:00March 28, 2023|Society & Culture|

What is an abortion?

On Feb. 1st, a nurse at a Montreal hospital reached out to a pro-life group on Facebook; she was distressed about an upcoming procedure that had been scheduled for the next day: “A 38-week abortion, is that still called an abortion?” The question is worth considering, since it offers a snapshot of the landscape of the abortion issue in Canada in 2023. [...]

2023-03-28T22:45:31-04:00March 28, 2023|Abortion|

Az LV BET szolgáltatásban való játék előnyei

Az LV BET egy nagyon új online kaszinó, amely megtette a magáét, hogy olyan klub legyen, ahová a játékosok özönlenek. A klub portáljának megnyitásakor a srácok egy elegáns üdvözlő oldalt látnak egy bónuszcsomaggal. A különböző kreditek és bónusz pörgetések segítségével minden nemrég regisztrált erőforrás tag még több izgalmat és intenzívebb játékélményt élhet át. A szolgáltatás elérhető és legális a fehérorosz, orosz és [...]

2024-02-24T16:41:27-05:00March 24, 2023|Issues|

Abortion targets and harms U.S. blacks

Mary Zwicker: Abortion has a disproportionately negative effect on and specifically targets black people in America, a new study says, confirming what pro-lifers have observed for years: abortion mills are disproportionately located in minority neighbourhoods. In January, the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE) released a comprehensive report, “The Impact of Abortion on the Black Community,” that details the extent to [...]

2023-03-17T15:07:17-04:00March 17, 2023|Abortion|

Derek Sloan in his own words

Angelica Vecchiato: Glorious and Free By Derek Sloan (Sloan Publishing Inc., $38.80, 270 pages) Since Derek Sloan was kicked out of Conservative Party of Canada caucus in 2021, the tales of his political career have garnered quasi-mythic proportions. In the mainstream media vernacular, the former Conservative MP turned Ontario Party leader has been condemned as a “racist” for accepting a donation from [...]

2023-03-17T14:51:05-04:00March 17, 2023|Politics, Reviews|

The Transhumanist Threat

Paul Tuns: With the unleashing of the ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) in November 2022, an artificial intelligence program that provides responses to questions based on its comprehensive scouring of the internet – everything that’s been written that is accessible online -- there are new worries about how close the world is coming to the transhuman or posthuman future, whether The Singularity [...]

2023-03-16T13:21:43-04:00March 16, 2023|Society & Culture|

Hamilton man who assaulted pro-lifer sentenced

Interim staff: On Feb. 14, Richard Coates appeared in a Hamilton courthouse to plead guilty to charges related to three separate incidents, including one on July 14, 2022, when he uttered a threat to and assaulted Josie Luetke, who, at the time, was serving as youth coordinator for Campaign Life Coalition. In the afternoon on that date, Luetke, now CLC’s director of [...]

2023-03-10T09:40:51-05:00March 10, 2023|Abortion|

Flawed study links pro-life laws with women’s suicide

Angelica Vecchiato: A recently published study in JAMA Psychiatry analysed how state-level abortion restrictions in America affected the suicide rate of young women between the ages of 20 and 34, although a pro-life researcher has critiqued the findings saying the researchers had not proved that a lack of abortion access leads to higher suicide rates. The study claimed to find a positive [...]

2023-03-10T09:36:09-05:00March 10, 2023|Abortion|

Trudeau’s Hamilton visit met by pro-life protest

Angelica Vecchiato: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s appearance at a local Hamilton, Ont., restaurant during the Liberal cabinet retreat in the city, was met with protest by pro-life activists.   Around a dozen young people-- members of Campaign Life Coalition and Campaign Life Coalition Youth, Hamilton Against Abortion, Oxford Against Abortion, Niagara Against Abortion and Peel Against Abortion-- held photos of abortion victims as [...]

2023-03-10T09:23:31-05:00March 10, 2023|Abortion, Politics|
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