Monthly Archives: July 2024

Pro-lifers speak in praise of Linda Gibbons after fourth arrest in less than a month

Luka Granic: Linda Gibbons, a veteran pro-lifer, has been jailed once again. Spending nearly 11 years of her life in jail for her peaceful pro-life witnessing, Gibbons has garnered a reputation of not backing down no matter how many times she faces jail over her pro-life principles. When she is in court following an arrest, she does not speak or even nod [...]

2024-07-22T10:41:20-04:00July 22, 2024|Abortion|

It was the worst of times: Four cancelled years

Rick McGinnis: Interim writer, Rick McGinnis, Amusements It’s been a rough four years. Everybody knows that. And though their struggles don’t register much with the public, journalists have arguably been having a rough 20 years, probably more. They’d ask for your sympathy but know they’re not likely to get it, though they can write books like Nellie Bowles’ Morning After [...]

2024-07-19T11:45:44-04:00July 19, 2024|Reviews, Rick McGinnis, Society & Culture|

Perinatal palliative care providers in Canada

Home Hospice Association prenatal and perinatal hospice with services available in cities including Cambridge, Guelph, Hamilton-Halton, Kitchener, Niagara, Ottawa, Toronto. Alberta Calgary: Alberta Children's Hospital Children’s Hospice and Palliative Care Service, also accepting referrals for perinatal hospice. Contact: Clinical nurse specialist Kathryn da Silva, (403) 955-5460. Calgary Family Physician Navigator program, accepting referrals (from physicians or self-referrals) for family physician support to [...]

2024-07-22T10:57:04-04:00July 19, 2024|Bioethics|

Perinatal palliative care for newborns

Joanna Alphonso: If choosing death for one’s child is health care, choosing life for that same child must also be health care. But how accessible is the health care choice for life for women when facing a prenatal diagnosis of severe illness and likely death shortly after birth? Palliative care, according to SickKids Hospital in Toronto, expands beyond end-of-life care, as many [...]

2024-07-19T11:28:40-04:00July 19, 2024|Bioethics|

Old pro-lifers never die, their thoughts remain alive

Donald DeMarco: George Huntston Williams, an historian of Christianity known for his extraordinary range and productivity, passed away on Oct. 6 in the second millennial year at the age of 86. Sic transit gloria mundi! His legacy should not pass into oblivion. He began his career as a teacher in 1947 at the Harvard Divinity School, which was struggling to stay afloat [...]

2024-07-18T10:08:17-04:00July 18, 2024|Abortion, Donald DeMarco|

The Divine Economy

The Divine Economy: How Religions Compete for Wealth, Power and People Paul Seabright (Princeton University Press, $44, 485 pages) Paul Seabright, an economist at the Toulouse School of Economics, ambitiously applies not only economics but anthropology, history, philosophy, political science, psychology, science, and sociology, to understand how the world’s religions, which he calls platforms -- “structures that bring individuals together in mutually [...]

2024-07-18T10:02:29-04:00July 18, 2024|Religion, Reviews|

Trump, Biden flub abortion question during debate

Paul Tuns: There is a scene near the end of Billy Madison in which the title character played by Adam Sandler compares the Industrial Revolution to a puppy. Astonished at the vacuity of the answer, the principal who posed the question said: “What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in [...]

2024-07-18T09:51:57-04:00July 18, 2024|Abortion, Paul Tuns, Politics|

Lesson from the UK election

On July 4, the British voters elected a Labour 411-seat majority (out of a total of 650 seats). The Conservative Party was reduced from majority government to a party low 121 seats. Various other parties split the remaining 128 seats. Pro-life MP Miriam Cates, who lost her seat, said that her party lost because it governed to the left of the average [...]

2024-07-17T12:17:34-04:00July 17, 2024|Editorials, Politics|

Getting married is good for individuals and society

Paul Tuns: Get Married: Why Americans Must Defy the Elites, Forge Strong Families, and Save Civilization by Brad Wilcox (Broadside Books, $39.50, 293 pages) Sociologist Brad Wilcox, director of the National Family Project at the University of Virginia and a fellow at the Institute for Family Studies, promises a lot – or at least argues that marriage promises a lot – in [...]

2024-07-17T12:00:23-04:00July 17, 2024|Marriage and Family, Reviews|

Supreme Court rules abortion pills can stay

Oswald Clark: On June 13, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously dismissed a challenge to the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of the abortion drug mifepristone in 2000, saying that the group of doctors challenging the abortion pill did not have standing. The 9-0 decision in Food and Drug Administration (FDA) v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine stated the pro-life doctors representing women injured [...]

2024-07-17T11:40:35-04:00July 17, 2024|Abortion|
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