When Kate Michelman of the U.S. National Abortion Rights Action League says a Republican plan to establish voluntary prayer in public schools is “about establishing a theocracy in this nation” her words are taken at face value.  Despite the ridiculousness of her claim, she is not accused of promoting a wild conspiracy theory.

When members of a pro-life contingent say that the United States, working through the UN, has an agenda to curb the ever-burgeoning Third World population, they are accused of spreading a far-right, wacko, conspiracy theory.

Debunking these so-called conspiracy theories is all the rage right now.

After the Oklahoma bombing and subsequent arrest of the suspects, the media have had a field day mocking those who might think that there are certain groups which are acting illegally, beyond the scope of the public eye.

Much more insidious in these attacks, however, has been the attempt to link these bizarre people with their outlandish ideas to those who might see hard evidence of a hidden agenda elsewhere.

For examples, over the past 30 years, many in the pro-life movement have pointed out that the United Nations, with the very strong backing of U.S. governments, has been attempting to curb the population in many Third World countries.  Over the decades the UN has openly promoted countless contraceptive and sterilization drives and numerous conferences (Bucharest, Mexico City, Cairo, Copenhagen, Beijing) aimed at undermining the religious and familial structures of Third World nations.

Now, out of the Philippines and Mexico comes the startling news that millions of women may have been “accidentally” sterilized after receiving an anti-tetanus vaccination.

Apparently, the anti-tetanus vaccine contained human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG), a hormone which creates antibodies in a woman’s body which attack future pregnancies.  There are some who believe this was no “accident.”

Early reports indicate four reasons which could render this more than a token conspiracy theory:

  • Only women of childbearing age were inoculated
  • hCG is never present in any form of tetanus vaccine
  • vaccination protocol called for multiple inoculations, despite the fact that one shot alone is usually ample for ten years of protection
  • the World Health Organization which initiated this vaccination campaign, has for years worked hand-in-hand with the UN in trying to reduce Third World population.

The possibility of the anti-population lobby carrying out such a scheme has played on the minds of those who have followed closely the machinations of the UN.  However, most have been reluctant to say anything for fear of being branded eccentrics, oddballs or, worse of all, right-wing wackos.

Not surprisingly, the mainline press has not picked up on this story.  Should any group dare to suggest that the anti-populationists (having failed to win global support for their population control program) might implement it in some underhanded manner, they would be laughed out of the newsroom.

But the evidence is there.  What else are we to believe?  What else are the millions of Third World women who may have lost their ability to bear children to believe?  Answers are needed before these fears can be written off as conspiratorial.

An investigation of the World Health Organization must be carried out to see exactly what has happened.  Canadian organizations which furnish support to WHO must begin to ask questions.  Until all fears have been allayed, we have no recourse but to interpret the facts as we see them.

Believing that Elvis is alive is one thing, but having evidence that various behind-the-scenes groups are plotting to destroy the population base of the Third World is quite another.