It began long before the proposed euthanasia legislation was tabled by Ontario’s NDP Government on May 27 of this year.  It began before Norm Sterling of the PC Party introduced his own version of euthanasia legislation in Bills 7 and 8.

When did it begin?

It began when we as a society, cheapened human life-when we, forgetting or ignoring the atrocities which preceded World War, together with the millions who perished before it ran its course, ceased to realize that life itself is intrinsically good. 

  From there, the Omnibus Bill, sugar-coated by assurances that abortions would be performed for only the gravest of reasons and that Canadian taxpayers would not become accomplices through the use of reasons and that Canadian taxpayers would not become accomplices through the use of tax-dollars, was easy to swallow.

After having terminated thousands of pregnancies, after  having evacuated as many products of conception, after having repeatedly selectively reduced a concepts or two and re-regulated countless menstrual cycles {actually killing a preborn baby would have been brutal and downright uncivilized} embracing euthanasia seemed only natural.

We have slipped as far that the fact that this proposed legislation has been coated with socially acceptable terminology such as “Consent to Treatment Act,” Substitute Decisions Act,” and “Guardianship for Mentally Incapable,” probably makes very little difference.

Our society never considered the fact that what has happened can happen.  Now we stand poised ready to take the final leap into the depths of this century’s second holocaust.

The word of caution.  We must resist the temptation to look beyond our own backyards and say, “Well, this happened in Holland.  It happened in the U.S.  It’s happening in Ontario.  The rest of us are safe.”  What goes around, comes around.

When we have finished aborting those who inconvenience us and have euthanized those who bother us, we righteously ask, “How did this happen?”

The answer is simple.  When we assumed the right to murder our children, we automatic-ally gave them the right to murder us.  This was always the logical conclusion.