Order of Canada resignation
OTTAWA – Governor General Michaelle Jean has officially accepted Frank Chauvin’s resignation from the Order of Canada. Chauvin, inducted into the Order in 1987 for his work with Haitian orphans, returned his medal last Fall to protest the appointment of abortionist Henry Morgentaler to the Order in 2008. Chauvin, a former Windsor police officer, unsuccessfully launched a legal challenge against Morgentaler’s Order of Canada, pointing out that the Advisory Council reportedly altered its protocol from consensus to majority vote in order to successfully nominate Morgentaler and questioning the role of Supreme Court Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin in the advisory process. The challenge was dismissed in November. Chauvin did not immediately renounce his Order of Canada so that he could maintain standing to challenge the Morgentaler honor.
Pollster claims Canada ‘decisively pro-choice’
OTTAWA – Asked by EKOS, a polling firm, “Thinking about your view on abortion, would you say you are more pro-life or more pro-choice,” a majority labeled themselves pro-choice (52 per cent) while about one quarter (27 per cent) called themselves pro-life. Ten per cent said neither and 11 per cent didn’t know or respond. Those numbers are nearly identical to results from June 2000 when 51 per cent responded “pro-choice” and 28 per cent said “pro-life.” EKOS president Frank Graves said his firm’s numbers are “evidence” of Canadians being “decisively pro-choice.” Pro-lifers point out that other polls show a more nuanced view among Canadians who may self-identify as “pro-choice” but who support measures that would restrict abortion.
Government workers union funds feminists
OTTAWA – According to the March/April REALity, the bi-monthly publication of REAL Women, the Public Service Alliance of Canada, a union of 172,000 federal public service workers, has “renewed its $90,000 financial commitment to six national feminist groups.” REALity identifies the groups as the Feminist Alliance for International Action, the Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada, Federation des femmes du Quebec, the National Association of Women and the Law, the Canadian Institute for the Advancement of Women, and the Ad Hoc Coalition for Women’s Equality. REAL Women notes that compulsory union dues are going to “political activism purposes to change the social direction of Canada” including the funding of abortion facilities and abortion advocacy, to support the homosexual lifestyle, and advance radical feminist politics.
Status of Women paid for anti-CPC report
OTTAWA – Patricia Maloney who blogs at Run with Life used an Access to Information and Privacy search to discover that the taxpayer-funded Status of Women Canada gave the Pro-Choice Action Network more than $27,000 to write a report attacking crisis pregnancy centers. “Exposing Crisis Pregnancy Centres in BC,” was released in January 2009 and it smeared them as organizations that lie and manipulate women to change abortion-minded women to choose life. In its application for funding to Status of Women Canada, Pro-Can said that their goal was to “publicly expose the anti-woman and anti-feminist agenda of CPCs.” Status of Women Canada approved the project because there was a “public education” component to the grant. Maloney said, “A report that demeans and attacks crisis pregnancy centres, based on biased research can hardly be considered ‘public education’.” Status of Women Canada also explained in a section of the approval documentation that the report was linked to “government priorities” because by funding the project “the government of Canada is fulfilling its court ascribed duty (under Morgentaler) to ensure women have full reproductive choice by informing the public of the diversity of perspectives on abortion.” In 2006, the Conservative government changed the mandate of the Status of Women Canada to prohibit issue advocacy, but Campaign Life Coalition national organizer Mary Ellen Douglas said it appears not much has changed at the government-funded feminist government agency.
Improved palliative care urged
OTTAWA – Sharon Baxter, executive director of the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association, has urged more funding for community and at-home palliative care after a study found there are high costs Canadian families must pay to look after a family member. “It should be the right of every Canadian to die with dignity, free of pain and in the setting of their choice,” said Baxter. A study in the mid-February issue of Palliative Medicine said many families pay 25 per cent or more of the cost for end-of-life care. According to Serge Dumont, the lead author of the study, only 10 per cent of Canadians can access integrated palliative care programs.
New Ontario sex-ed program panned
TORONTO – The Ontario Ministry of Education released its revised sex education curriculum which required Grade 3 students be taught about gender identity and sexual orientation, Grade 6 students be taught about masturbation and nocturnal emissions, and Grade 7 students be taught about oral and anal sex. Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty said the changes are necessary so that children are provided information “in a format and venue in which we have some control” lest students learn from “potentially uninformed sources like their friends at school.” Alex McKay of the Sex Information and Education Council of Canada said “It would be compromising the health and well-being of our youth if we shy away from providing this important information and skill set.” Pro-family groups called for a rally to protest the new curriculum. Charles McVety, president of Canada Christian College, said is “absurd to subject 6th graders to instruction on the pleasures of masturbation (and) vaginal lubrication, and 12 year-olds to lessons on oral sex and anal intercourse.” Brian Rushfeldt, executive director of the Canada Family Action Coalition, said the new curriculum “is bordering on criminal,” noting that people are prosecuted for “corrupting minors with explicit sex.” Rev. Ekron Malcolm, director of the Institute for Canadian Values, said, “I believe this is a form of controlling the minds and desires of our young children who should not have to think about sex at such a delicate age.” After a backlash that included separate school boards announcing they would not use the new material, McGuinty announced he would re-examine the curriculum and postpone implementation.
Toronto stores seeks all-year shopping
TORONTO – Toronto retailers want city hall to give them the right to remain open during the nine holidays of the year, including Christmas, Easter and New Year’s Day. “People have felt like criminals in trying to stay open during tough economic times when they felt they could make a few bucks,” said John Kiru, the executive director of the Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas. Proponents of the recommendation complain that businesses granted tourist designation status are given the opportunity to outcompete other stores. Critics, however, say that this would pressure workers to keep businesses open during holidays, rather than spending time with their families. The retailers’ right to keep shops open will be determined by city council in May.