MAP access eased in Saskatchewan
Calgaryabortuary plans stalled
Breitkreuz motion C-83 debated
NFB Kids’ video promotes gay lifestyle
MAP access eased in Saskatchewan
REGINA – The Saskatchewan government introduced an amendment to The Pharmacy Act to allow pharmacists to prescribe the medication Levonorgestrel with a doctor’s prescription. Health Minister John Nilson, who supported the amendments to the Act, said that the morning-after pill will be available to minors if a pharmacist decides it is “appropriate.” Nilson said such a move was necessitated by the “high teen pregnancy rates here” in Saskatchewan. The Saskatchewan Pharmaceutical Association backed the plan and promised to have training sessions for its members so that they will be aware of the law. The SPA made no mention of whether it will inform its members about the dangers of the drug.
Abortuary plans stalled
CALGARY – The Calgary Sun reports that land-use changes that could allow for an expansion of the West Hillhurst abortuary have been delayed at city hall. Tracy Sarafenchon, who lives near the abortuary, cited concerns about safety but blamed pro-life demonstrators and raised the spectre of violence against abortionists. Interestingly, Andrew King, the architectural consultant for the abortuary, said that while there are security concerns, there has “been no safety issues at all for 12 years.”
Breitkreuz motion debated
OTTAWA – On May 12, M-83, a motion put forward by Alliance MP Garry Breitkreuz, received one hour of debate in the House of Commons before being put to the bottom of the order paper for a vote at some undetermined later date. The vote is expected in the fall. M-83, dubbed the first pro-life vote in Canadian Parliament in 12 years, requests that Health Canada investigate whether abortion is a medically necessary procedure. Diane Bourgeous of the BQ personally attacked Breitkreuz, saying she had enough of his pro-life motions and boasted that her party was responsible for defeating many such motions in the past.
Kids’ video promotes gay lifestyle
OTTAWA – Canadian Alliance MP John Williams noted in a recent Waste Report that the federal government spent $142,901 through the National Film Board for Apples and Oranges, a film to propagandize children ages 8-12 about “people with lesbian or gay sexual orientations” or “children who don’t conform to gender stereotypes.” Williams said, “Just after Canadians have paid their taxes to their government, it is disheartening to see so much spent on wasteful and frivolous expenditures.”