Poll shows pro-life support
VANCOUVER – An Environics polls commissioned by Life Canada found that 64 per cent of Canadians support protecting unborn life at some point before birth, with 31 per cent supporting protection from the moment of conception, up from 60 per cent according to a similar poll last year and up from 56 per cent in 2002. The poll also found support for informed consent (71 per cent), parental consent (55 per cent) and defunding (48 per cent). LifeCanada president Joanne Byfield said: “Canadian politicians … avoid dealing with this issue. We urge them to read these results, listen to Canadians and craft laws and policies that reflect the wishes of the people.”
Tax laws recognize polygamy
OTTAWA – According to a Financial Post “Your Taxes” column by Arthur Drache, Canada’s Income Tax Act permits up to two spouses, including a “mix and match” of “one spouse of either gender.” Drache explains that “a person who is legally married to one person may be living common-law with another.” Such circumstances sometimes arise when a couple is separated, but not divorced, and a spouse has lived “common-law” with another person, including a homosexual partner.
Judges avoid porn evidence
TORONTO — George Beatty, president of the Ontario Conference of Judges, said that judges should view graphic evidence of child pornography, but often don’t. He said: “It’s a very human thing” to avoid the offensive material, but the responsiblity of judges is to consider the evidence. Earlier this year, senior Ontario Crown attorney Alex Smith charged that many of the judges who pass lenient sentences are the same ones who refuse to view the pornographic images. “You don’t realize how bad this stuff is until you have been exposed to it,” Smith said.
Poker gambling on increase
TORONTO – According to an Ipsos-Reid poll sponsored by the Responsible Gaming Council, more than one-third of 18-34 year olds in Ontario play poker for money, compared to 21 per cent of the adult population as a whole. Furthermore, 4 per cent believe they can make a living gambling. Nearly a quarter of those who play poker for money do so once a week. Dr. John Kelly, CEO of the council, said “If you’re playing every single week, that’s 52 times a year – that’s a lot of opportunity to lose money.”