The Interim is often criticized for reporting too much negative news. We disagree; there are plenty of positive profiles of committed warriors for life and family, reviews of uplifting music and plays and positive developments at various levels, including, last month, at the United Nations. Perhaps some people are only happy when they complain. But a look at this issue shows even more encouraging developments. The federal government has made a number of positive appointments and cut a number of egregious programs (page 3). LifeChain was a national success (page 4). Campaign Life Catholic has received a very good response to its school board trustee questionnaire (page 6). A growing number of young people at both the university and high school level are standing up for the unborn (page 13). An Alberta woman is having her pro-life play put on in a church in November (page 17). There are good things happening and we should be thankful for them all.