from-the-editors-deskI want to start this column by thanking you. Many readers responded to my last From the Editor’s Desk column with kind words about how much they appreciate The Interimand how much they enjoyed receiving it last month. We believe that this paper does good and important work both educating and inspiring readers to action on life and family issues. But it is gratifying when readers let us know that the stories they read in the paper are resonating with them.

I’m a voracious reader and regular consumer of about a dozen newspapers from around the world (some in online form, others in print). One of my regular stops was the Canadian Jewish News. In early April it announced that it would cease both print and online publication on April 9. Like most newspapers it was already suffering from the loss of advertising revenue, but the coronavirus pandemic was the last straw and the impact on revenues forced it to close its doors despite having a fairly healthy circulation of nearly 32,000 subscribers. (Interestingly, a week later, two British Jewish newspapers also closed due to lack of advertising.) CJNpresident Elizabeth Wolfe, the National Postreported, said “While we have always viewed ourselves essential to the Canadian Jewish community and our readers, our first priority is to our employees,” and the company wanted to ensure there was sufficient severance for its few remaining employees rather than “incur losses we could not recoup.”

That is a tough decision. We view ourselves as essential to the pro-life movement, providing you, our readers, with information and commentary that is not readily available in the mainstream media. And while there is plenty of online punditry available, we think we offer a combination of reporting and analysis you cannot find elsewhere. Our first priority is to you, our readers, to provide important, well-written and thoughtful, news and opinion. Because of our commitment to you, the pro-life movement of Canada, I never want to pen an announcement like the Canadian Jewish News’Elizabeth Wolfe had to last month.

Due to financial difficulties both The Interimand Campaign Life Coalition were experiencing before the pandemic caused havoc with the economy, we knew we had to reduce the number of people who received this paper who were not paying directly for their subscription. This was not an easy decision. CLC could not be fiscally responsible while continuing to subsidize the paper for so many of its supporters. The pandemic moved up the schedule of what was supposed to be a slower process of scaling back our mailings.

This reduction has saved much-needed resources to keep our staff employed and pay our various venders (the printer, mailing house). The downside is that this important paper is not getting into the hands of the wider pro-life movement. The purpose of The Interimis not to turn a profit but to inform and activate pro-life and pro-family Canadians to action.

The media that peddles a socially liberal worldview is well-funded. The CBC gets billions from taxpayers. The Globe and Mailis part of the deep-pocketed Bell conglomerate. We operate on a modest budget and are careful stewards of our limited resources. We take the responsibility to care for every dollar you entrust to us very seriously. But we have staff with families, freelancers who need to be paid and bills that need to be covered.

To all of you long-time readers and to new subscribers, we thank you. We thank you for your prayers of support, from kind words to donations to renewals to new subscriptions. Every little bit helps and continues to allow us to inspire and educate you, our readers. Thanks.

Your emails and letters of support over the past month mean a lot. They encourage us to work harder and get a great paper to you each and every month.

Unfortunately, the reality is that our printer, mailing house, and digital support services won’t take appreciative notes of support as payment. That is why we are trying to increase paid subscriptions and advertising. I would urge you to seriously consider subscribing to this paper, renewing your subscription, or purchasing a gift subscription for a friend or loved one. See the form on page 13

I would urge business owners to take out an advertisement; our surveys of readers find that many of them look first to see if a business they need advertises in The Interim. At a time when many businesses may be struggling and unsure of what is to come and advertising may seem frivolous, it is important to remember that your advertisement is not only a donation in support of pro-life and prof-family journalism; it can be written off as a business expense. We offer ad sizes for all budgets.

If you can, we need you to donate. Your financial contributions will allow us to continue offering first-rate journalism to the pro-life, pro-family community in Canada. Send a cheque made payable to The Interim to The Interim, 104 Bond Street, Suite 301, Toronto, Ont., M5B 1X9 or call (416) 204-1687.

Last, and certainly not least, we ask for your prayers. We know that we are not in this alone and ultimately the work of restoring a Culture of Life is God’s not ours; we are mere vessels in a larger plan.

 Paul Tuns