Another shooting of an abortionist in America has prompted calls for tough legislation against pro-lifers on the streets.

The media, along with many pro-abortion groups, have used the incident in an effort to step up pressure against pro-life activity.

Dr. George Tiller, a late-term abortionist who works at an abortion centre in Wichita, was wounded slightly in both arms by the shooting but was back at work the next day.  Rachelle Renae Shannon, 37, of Oregon, was charged with attempted murder.  The incident happened outside the Women’s Health Care Services clinic.

Reaction to the shooting was predictable.  Pro-abortion forces called for quick passage of a new bill before Congress which would make it a federal crime to block passage to an abortuary.  They are also calling on the government to use the Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organization Act to investigate some pro-life groups.

White House spokeswoman Dee Dee Myers called the shooting “reprehensible.”  “We’ll continue to support and do what the administration can to protect women.”

However, Bob Jewitt,, of Operation Rescue, said legislation keeping pro-lifers off the streets would “open the door for vigilante activities.”

Most mainline pro-life groups denounced the shooting as they have consistently denounced any other acts of violence surrounding abortionists and clinics.  The Canadian group, Alliance Action, condemned “without qualification this violent act.  It stands in total contradiction to everything pro-lifers stand for.”

It said the pro-life movement in Canada has an untarnished history of non-violence.  We only ask that people, including pro-abortionists, join us in offering life-giving solutions to women experiencing an inconvenient pregnancy.”

Rev. Patrick Mahoney, a leader of Operation Rescue condemned the shooting.  “There is no room for violence in the pro-life movement,” he said.

However, some groups, not worrying about political fallout, defended and even praised the shooting.

Andrew Burnett, head of Advocates for Life Ministries, came out in The New York Times on the side of the shooting.

“I’m supportive of what she did,” he said.  “It was a courageous act.”

Don Treshman, of Rescue America, called the shooting “unfortunate” but added that lives would be saved as a result of it.