Omaha, Nebraska – As a finale to the 25th celebration of Pope Paul VI’s famous encyclical Humane Vitae, a fine concert was held in the Orpheum Theatre in downtown Omaha, Nebraska.  The music was superb but thunderous applause awaited the appearance of a little 16-year-old with a beautiful voice and a stunning message.

Her birth mother chose a saline abortion in the seventh month of pregnancy.  Such injections produce a devastating, generally fatal abortion within twenty-four hours.  The child is burned raw.  But in Gianna’s case, the night nurse whom Gianna calls an angel, saw that she was still alive and rushed her to a nearby hospital for medical treatment.

The doctors expected her to die shortly saying that she would be brain damaged but she lived.  They said she would never sit up but she sat up.  They said she would never walk but by three years of age she was walking.

She does not like to be referred as “a Right to Life trophy” though she was happy to be alive.  Having cerebral palsy, she continued to flourish, growing and developing.

Being brought up as a deeply believing Christian, she found it in her to forgive her mother.  Believing that God wanted her to live, she wished to please God by her life.  Holding up her hand, she pointed to the “purity” ring on her finger which represents her promise to remain a virgin for the man she would marry.  If she breaks this promise, the ring will be returned to her mother.  If she keeps the promise, it will be given to her husband who will keep it safe for their daughter.

As I bussed back to the hotel, I congratulated her and expressed my appreciation of her talent and the use she was making of it.  In the defense of life, chastity and personal love for God.  The joy of meeting her was the most rewarding experience of the whole convention which held many other joys and privileges.