Eighteen enthusiastic pro-life young people from across Ontario gathered for the Ontario Students for Life Leadership Retreat at the Manressa Retreat Centre in Pickering, August 2-4.

The weekend began with ice-breaking activities. Followed by an exchange of ideas and pro-life strategies. In the later evening, young pro-lifers debated such issues as practises in various religions to initiating pro-life action in schools and local communities.

Saturday, August 3 proved to be a long, but eventful day. Dorothy McElroy of “Communicate,” offered a workshop on presentation skills. Her advice in making presentations and the clear hope for young people’s involvement in pro-life work were a great inspiration to all participants.

Tim Gibney of Woodstock, Ontario, gave the youth leaders tips on effective communication. The day ended in a stirring song by a campfire.

New leader

August 4, the final day of the retreat, was marked by the introduction of a new speaker and organizer of Ontario Students for Life. Emma Maan takes over for the outgoing Kathleen Ross. Kathleen was praised for her efforts over the past year, including recruiting, organizing and promoting the OSFL.

Students expressed their best wished to Kathleen, who will be returning to studies at the University of Western Ontario in London. They also pledged their support to the new OSFL organizer.
Other officials named to the organization during the retreat were Michael Nolan of Toronto as presidents, and Charlotte Gibney of Woodstock as vice-president,
The 1996-97 year for the OSFL shows great promise with the increasing number of enthusiastic pro-life youth leaders across Ontario.