In contrast to the disappointing events at St. Mary’s University in Nova Scotia, two separate Canadian university pro-life clubs have recently experienced small victories; namely, the granting of club status after long periods of opposition. Is seems that official club status for campus pro-life groups is becoming a rare luxury. The two groups in question are Youth Protecting Youth at the University of Victoria and Choose Life McGill at Montreal’s McGill University. In both instances, pro-life students were pleasantly surprised and ecstatic to see their right to free speech upheld.
After a two-year battle at Thunder Bay’s Lakehead University, it is expected that the coming weeks will yield similarly good news regarding club status for that university’s pro-life group. According to a Feb. 17 press release from the National Campus Life Network, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association recently put its support behind pro-life students and their right to freedom of speech. In a letter to all student unions, the CCLA pointed out that where there is discord or ideological tension, “the proper response is argument, not censorship.”