Embryonic Stem Cells

And then there was this, November 2024

  By J.M. Glover British Catholics fight against assisted suicide bill A recent CBC online story has reported that Russian On Oct. 16, British members of Parliament began debating a Labour bill to legalise assisted suicide. Cardinal Vincent Nichols, the head of the Catholic Church in England and Wales, released a pastoral letter to Catholics reminding them that “the evidence from every [...]

Endangered preborn

The World Wildlife Fund released its annual “Living Planet Report” subtitled “A system in peril.” The report states that “nature is being lost – with huge implications for us all,” asserting “biodiversity sustains human life and underpins our society.” We cannot help but wonder why there are no international organizations or agencies releasing similar reports decrying the systemic extermination of preborn children [...]

Wheels in Motion and stem cells

A spokesperson for Rick Hansen’s Wheels in Motion research organization into spinal cord injuries has confirmed that its research methods include the use of human embryos. And Hansen himself has been quoted as saying: “To limit the science based on fears or political pressure would be wrong. I expect government leaders will be able to differentiate between fear or conjecture or political lobbying [...]

2018-08-03T11:46:17-04:00November 3, 2007|Embryonic Stem Cells|

Charities backing deadly research on embryos

LifeSiteNews.com reported receiving an official response from the Canadian Diabetes Association indicating the registered charity is in complete support of using human embryos in destructive research. The Canadian Diabetes Association states that its mission is to “promote the health of Canadians through diabetes research, education, service and advocacy.” The CDA distributes government funding to researchers. A reply to a query elicited an [...]

2018-08-03T08:51:14-04:00October 3, 2007|Embryonic Stem Cells|
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