March for Life

25,000 at 18th annual National March for Life

Photo Anna Dzieciol In what was the largest National March for Life marking the 46th anniversary of the Omnibus Bill that legalized abortion-on-demand in Canada, more than 25,000 pro-lifers demanded “let life win.” Campaign Life Coalition national president Jim Hughes told The Interim that he personally counted more than 25,000 marchers. CLC organizes the annual event in the nation’s capital, [...]

2015-06-18T07:30:54-04:00June 16, 2015|Announcements, Features, Issues, March for Life, Pro-Life|

Massive U.S. March for Life

The 42 annual March for Life was held Jan. 22 in Washington D.C., with at least a half million people participating. Roman Catholic Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky led off the pre-March rally with a prayer, and he was followed by a short speech by March for Life chairman Patrick Kelly who said, “when I look out on this enormous crowd, [...]

Regional marches for life

  In all the provinces except Ontario and Quebec, local pro-life and church groups organized regional marches for life, joining in solidarity the huge crowd of 23,000 people in the nation’s capital. In Victoria, B.C., the 6th annual March for Life was held on May 8 at Centennial Square before proceeding to the B.C. legislature. The theme was “Life: The Only Choice”  [...]

2014-06-30T08:08:35-04:00June 16, 2014|Issues, March for Life|

Massive National March for Life

Positive messages, upbeat crowd, papal message, and more More than 23,000 pro-lifers were on Parliament Hill to participate in the National March for Life on May 8 – a March that garnered widespread media attention and featured a notable first, a greeting from the Pope. On May 7, Campaign Life Coalition held a press conference in the Parliamentary Press Gallery in which [...]

2014-06-02T17:16:15-04:00June 2, 2014|Announcements, Features, March for Life|

Cardinal Dolan: It’s abortion advocates who are ‘obsessed’

New York’s Cardinal Timothy Dolan has come out saying that it’s the “other side” that is “obsessed” with abortion, not pro-life advocates. “They’re so obsessed with it that they want to expand it even more!” Dolan told National Review in advance of the national March for Life in Washington. Speaking about his opposition to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s “Women’s Equality Act,” [...]

2014-02-24T12:28:55-05:00February 24, 2014|March for Life, Religion|

CLC delegation participates in U.S. March

A Canadian delegation organized by Campaign Life Coalition stood in front of the Canadian embassy at the March for Life in Washington, D.C., Jan. 22. About two dozen youth from CLC Youth and the National Campus Life Network were joined by CLC national president Jim Hughes as tens of thousands of U.S. marches walked by their three banners: “Canadians stand with pro-life [...]

2014-02-07T12:28:11-05:00February 3, 2014|Announcements, Features, March for Life|

Regional marches for life increase turnout

While 25,000 pro-lifers took part in the National March for Life in Ottawa on May 9, thousands more stood up for life in regional marches across the country. In Victoria, B.C., an estimated 2,000 people, including many high school and university students, walked from Centennial Square to the British Columbia legislature. Like the National March for Life, the B.C. March highlighted the [...]

2013-06-15T15:44:54-04:00June 15, 2013|Announcements, Events, Features, March for Life|

25,000 attend National March for Life

The 2013 National March for Life in Ottawa attracted a record-crowd of 25,000 pro-lifers to Parliament Hill, surpassing last year’s attendance by approximately 5000 people. The size of the march, combined with construction on Wellington Street in front of Parliament, led police to shut off the exits, which prevented an estimated 2000 people from leaving the Hill and marching through the streets [...]

2013-06-01T14:21:29-04:00June 1, 2013|Announcements, Features, March for Life|

Gearing up for National March for Life

With the start of a new year, pro-lifers can begin looking forward to the National March for Life on Parliament Hill on May 9. Wanda Hartlin, of Campaign Life Coalition Ottawa, told The Interim that people should go to the March for Life “because unborn children in Canada have no rights,” and “we have to remind our government that life begins at [...]

2013-02-15T19:01:26-05:00February 15, 2013|Announcements, Features, March for Life|

Thousands turn out for provincial marches for life

Several provinces broke records for their march for life events held on or near the same day as the National March for Life, but regardless of the numbers in attendance, pro-life groups are excited about the marches as a way to inform and inspire young people to pro-life activism and as a witness to the injustice of abortion for both the [...]

2012-06-14T09:45:20-04:00June 14, 2012|Announcements, Events, Features, March for Life|
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