Abortion Law

Anti-coercive abortion bill introduced

On April 14, Rod Bruinooge (C - Winnipeg South) tabled Bill C-510, a private member’s bill to amend the Criminal Code of Canada to outlaw coercing women into having an abortion. Bruinooge, the chair of the Parliamentary Pro-Life Caucus, in introducing An Act to Prevent the Coercion of Women to Abortion to the House of Commons, said, “This bill will [...]

2010-05-04T07:13:04-04:00May 7, 2010|Abortion Law, Announcements, Features|

Liberal pro-abortion motion defeated 144-138

On March 23, as The Interim went to press, Canada’s opposition parties sought to require the Conservative government to fund abortion as part of their maternal and child health initiative at the G8 summit this June. Liberal foreign affairs critic Bob Rae tabled a motion that would require “the maternal and child health initiative for the world’s poorest regions” to “include the [...]

2010-04-06T04:35:15-04:00April 1, 2010|Abortion Law, Announcements, Features, Politics|

The Trudeau revolution

In the 1970s and 1980s, a solitary figure wearing a hat and dark glasses would slip into the back pew of Ottawa’s Notre Dame Basilica on Sussex Drive, several times a week, just in time to attend Mass. Forty years ago, this solitary devotee of the Mass began his tenure as Prime Minister of Canada, and instigated and institutionalized a legal, moral, [...]

2009-12-30T08:16:52-05:00July 30, 2008|Abortion Law|

Gibbons arrested for pro-life witness

Pro-life photographer harassed by cops Long-time Canadian pro-life activist Linda Gibbons was arrested May 15 after silently protesting at the Scott abortuary on Gerrard Street in downtown Toronto. Just before 9 a.m., Gibbons dumped approximately 100 headless plastic dolls on the steps of the abortion facility. She carried a sign with a picture of a baby and the question, “Why mom?“ Gibbons [...]

2009-12-30T07:29:51-05:00June 30, 2008|Abortion Law, Pro-Life|

Clarifying the issue of unborn victims

Bill C-484, Ken Epp’s private member’s bill entitled the Unborn Victims of Crime Act, has passed First Reading and has had its first hour of debate. Thus far, there has been no political maneuvering to try to prevent discussion on it, nor have Department of Justice shenanigans declared the bill unconstitutional because it infringes on a woman’s “right to choose.” It is [...]

2009-12-16T14:50:25-05:00January 16, 2008|Abortion Law|

London conferences aimed to spread the abortion gospel

The pro-abortion movement enjoyed tremendous publicity during the month of October because of two major international conferences, one of which was sponsored by UN agencies. The Women Deliver conference in London, England was co-sponsored by, among other organizations, UNICEF, the World Health Organization and the World Bank. The theme chosen was “Invest in Women – It Pays!” The purpose of the gathering [...]

2018-08-07T10:19:03-04:00December 7, 2007|Abortion, Abortion Law, Human rights|

Considering the question of criminal punishment for abortion

Newsweek’s pro-abortion columnist, Anna Quindlen, recently wrote that pro-lifers have generally avoided the question of how women should be punished if they obtained the procedure when abortion was re-criminalized. The “news hook” for this column was a short documentary on the internet website YouTube where a man with a video camera asked a half-dozen American pro-life demonstrators what should be done with [...]

2018-08-03T11:00:06-04:00November 3, 2007|Abortion Law|

Abortion and the law

On a bid to divide and confuse the public on the issue of abortion, some pro-abortion zealots have taken to asking pro-lifers how much jail time they think a mother should serve for procuring an abortion for her child. In response, many pro-lifers have been tongue-tied and for good reason: the question is not amenable to any simple answer. The Criminal Code [...]

2018-08-03T10:55:23-04:00November 3, 2007|Abortion, Abortion Law, Rory Leishman|

UN report shows only a minority of countries allow unfettered abortion

A recent United Nations report on international abortion policies reveals that, while most countries worldwide allow abortion in extreme cases in order to save the life of the mother, only a minority allow abortion on demand. The July 2007 Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, report stated that abortion on demand is only permitted in 28 per cent of the [...]

2010-07-13T14:37:34-04:00September 13, 2007|Abortion Law|

Presidential hopefuls react to partial-birth abortion ban ruling

The following are the reactions of the United States presidential contenders to the April 18, 5-4 ruling by the United States Supreme Court to uphold the 2003 federal ban on partial-birth abortion. Republicans Rudy Giuliani The Supreme Court reached the correct conclusion in upholding the congressional ban on partial-birth abortion. I agree with it. Sam Brownback I’m delighted that the Supreme Court [...]

2010-04-23T13:13:31-04:00May 23, 2007|Abortion Law, Politics|

In major decision, U.S. Supreme Court upholds ban on partial-birth abortions

Seven years after overturning Nebraska’s partial-birth abortion ban, the Supreme Court of the United States, in a 5-4 decision, has upheld a federal ban. In the 1990s, then-president Bill Clinton twice vetoed a federal ban on partial-birth abortion, a procedure in which a live child is mostly delivered except for his head, the skull is crushed or cut open and the brains [...]

2010-04-23T13:11:45-04:00May 23, 2007|Abortion Law|

Portugal moves to legalize abortion

The Socialist government of Portugal will push threw changes to the country’s abortion laws and ignore its Feb. 11 referendum to fulfill its pro-abortion agenda. Currently abortion is legal in Portugal only when the mother’s life or health is in serious danger or in cases of rape or fetal abnormality. Prime Minister Jose Socrates’s Socialist government went to the people on Feb. [...]

2010-03-31T05:47:53-04:00March 31, 2007|Abortion Law|

Americans mark 34 years of Roe v. Wade

Americans mark 34 years of Roe v. Wade The 34th annual March for Life in Washington D.C. attracted at least 100,000 pro-lifers while the third annual Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco grew to more than 20,000 people this year. Other communities across the country also held local demonstrations marking the anniversary of the 1973 Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion [...]

2010-03-24T14:33:28-04:00March 24, 2007|Abortion Law|

New Brunswick faces lawsuit over abortion funding

Seven Moncton-based women’s rights activists are preparing to take New Brunswick to the Supreme Court to force it to pay for all abortions. At present, it covers only those deemed “medically necessary” by two specialists, and those performed in a hospital by a gynecologist-obstetrician. Only two ob-gyns in the province commit abortions. The group claims to include doctors who have worked with [...]

2010-01-27T12:41:06-05:00February 27, 2007|Abortion Law|

Nicaragua bans all abortions

On Nov. 17, the president of Nicaragua, Enrique Bolanos, signed into law a bill eliminating the “therapeutic abortion” exception in the country’s criminal code. The new law eliminates a loophole that allowed an unborn child to be killed if three doctors certified a woman’s “life or health” was at risk. This so-called “health” exception terminology has been severely abused in some countries [...]

2010-08-19T09:17:04-04:00December 19, 2006|Abortion, Abortion Law|
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