
Former Morgentaler mill in Fredericton to reopen

The Morgentaler Clinic in Fredericton, N.B., which closed last July, is reopening under a new name and new management, as a “family practice” that offers a “full-scope of reproductive care, including abortions.” Clinic 554’s new director is Adrian Edgar, a “transguy” who specializes not only in abortion but providing “primary care services” to people who self- identify as LGBTQ . He received [...]

2015-02-06T12:39:29-05:00February 5, 2015|Abortion, Morgentaler|

Legal challenge to Morgentaler Order of Canada rejected

A Federal Court ruled that the Governor General’s 2008 induction of Henry Morgentaler into the Order of Canada cannot be legally contested. Frank Chauvin, a retired Windsor police officer and a member of the Order of Canada, challenged the abortionist’s award, objecting to the secretive process by which the Order’s Advisory Council made its selection and taking issue with reports that the [...]

2010-01-27T09:02:04-05:00January 27, 2010|Morgentaler|

OC member launches legal challenge to Morgentaler award

Frank Chauvin, a retired Windsor police detective and an Order of Canada memer, has launched a legal challenge against the Advisory Council for the Order of Canada, which granted the award to abortionist Henry Morgentaler. Chauvin is basing his challenge on irregularities in the decision process regarding Morgentaler's appointment and on the fact that the chief justice of Canada, Beverley McLachlin, who [...]

2010-01-12T19:41:06-05:00November 12, 2008|Morgentaler|

Canadian Chinese community joins in the chorus of condemnation

Representatives of the Canadian Chinese community have joined in the chorus condemning the awarding of an Order of Canada citation to abortionist Henry Morgentaler. At a press conference in Markham, Ont. on July 24, a range of Chinese Christian organizations joined representatives of Campaign Life Coalition, REAL Women of Canada and the Right to Life Association of Toronto and Area, as well [...]

2010-01-04T10:04:59-05:00September 4, 2008|Morgentaler|

Protests against abortionist’s award continue

30,000 signatures presented to governor-general, judicial review requested of McLachlin On August 20, Campaign Life Coalition presented the signatures of 30,000 Canadians opposed to the awarding of the Order of Canada to Henry Morgentaler at Rideau Hall, the official residence of the governor-general. Angelina Steenstra, national co-ordinator of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign and a spokesperson for CLC on the Morgentaler [...]

2010-01-04T10:03:24-05:00September 4, 2008|Morgentaler|

Massive poll finds majority opposed to Morgentaler honour

A random telephone poll of more than 13,000 households found that 56 per cent of Canadians are opposed to the awarding of the Order of Canada to abortionist Henry Morgentaler. The national KLRVU poll, sponsored by Campaign Life Coalition, found that a clear majority of respondents in every province but Quebec opposed naming Morgentaler to the Order of Canada and that even [...]

2010-01-04T10:01:45-05:00September 4, 2008|Morgentaler|

Henry Morgentaler

1970: Morgentaler arrested in Quebec for performing an abortion in a free-standing abortuary, without approval from a hospital therapeutic abortion committee. 1973: Morgentaler announces he has performed 5,000 abortions. 1973: The Quebec Ministry of Revenue orders Morgentaler to pay $354,799 in unpaid income taxes. Following an out-of-court settlement, he pays $101,000 in back taxes. 1973-76: Morgentaler stanbs trial on four charges of [...]

2009-12-30T09:01:40-05:00August 30, 2008|Morgentaler|

Past honourees return their snowflakes

At least eight Order of Canada recipients – or their families or inheritors of their legacies – have returned their awards to protest the governor-general giving abortionist Henry Morgentaler Canada’s highest civilian honour. Among those who have publicly returned their awards are Gilbert Finn, Fr. Lucien Larre and Frank Chauvin. As well, there is Madonna House, which returned the medal of its [...]

2009-12-30T09:00:39-05:00August 30, 2008|Morgentaler|

Order of Canada dishonoured

The July 1 announcement by the governor-general that Henry Morgentaler is being named a member of the Order of Canada led to an unprecedented debate over the usually ignored award. Newspapers were full of opinion pieces and letters to the editor, talk radio debates were ignited and at least nine OC members returned their medals in protest, exposing Morgentaler as the most [...]

2009-12-30T08:58:35-05:00August 30, 2008|Morgentaler, Society & Culture|

Startling revelations found in Morgentaler’s letter to Trudeau

Pro-lifers have long known that the Canadian political elite of the 1960s and 1970s was strongly in favour of abortion, at least in principle. After all, it was a Liberal government - supported by a liberal media - that first legalized the practice in 1969. But Canadians now know that those elites supported abortion, not just in principle, but in practice as [...]

2009-12-30T08:07:00-05:00June 30, 2008|Morgentaler, Politics|

20 Years after Morgentaler

20 Years after Morgentaler On Jan. 28, 1988 the Supreme Court of Canada threw out the country’s abortion law. The Interim’s coverage of this sad anniversary includes a reprint of our immediate reaction, an excerpt from David Dooley’s 1992 pamphlet, “Supreme Court and Morgentaler Against Biology” and original contributions from Donald DeMarco (on Morgentaler as a feminist icon), Ian Hunter (on Morgentaler’s [...]

2009-12-16T14:46:36-05:00January 16, 2008|Abortion, Morgentaler|

McMurtry a ‘friend’ of Morgentaler

He legalized so-called same-sex marriage in Ontario in 2003, despite the fact his daughter was involved in a same-sex relationship at the time, and partied with the very litigants involved in the case a scarce two weeks later. Now, it has emerged that Roy McMurtry is a friend of Canadian abortion king, Henry Morgentaler. A retrospective article by Kirk Makin in the Globe [...]

2010-04-28T08:57:17-04:00May 28, 2007|Morgentaler|

Fugitive thoughts on sundry items

Many stories come across the desk (and computer) that make their way into this paper. Many, many more don’t. It is a difficult decision sometimes figuring out what gets substantial coverage, what deserves analysis or commentary or an editorial, what gets a news brief and what ends up as a sentence or two in the Bits ‘n’ Pieces section on page two. [...]

2010-08-20T09:25:16-04:00August 20, 2006|Abortion, Morgentaler|

Abortionists rake in vast sums of public monies

In 1999, we reported that taxpayers had already coughed up $2,611,828 in rent for the operation of the Toronto-based abortuary of Henry Morgentaler, according to Ontario Freedom of Information and Privacy documents obtained by the Toronto Free Press newspaper. Morgentaler is still on the multi-million dollar gravy train. According to information obtained in a new Ontario Freedom of Information and Privacy search [...]

2010-08-04T08:12:39-04:00December 4, 2005|Abortion, Columnist, Frank Kennedy, Morgentaler|

Sun Life not sponsor of Morgentaler award

Interim staff In The Interim’s September article, “Another award for abortionist,” about the reception by Henry Morgentaler of the 2005 Couchiching Award for Public Policy Leadership, it was reported that Sun Life Financial company was the sponsor of the award. This was based on information provided in both a press release from the Couchiching Institute on Public Affairs and subsequent Canadian Press [...]

2010-08-03T18:46:20-04:00November 3, 2005|Morgentaler, Pro-Life|
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