Bits n’ Pieces

And then there was this …

Canada On May 9, the Canadian Pediatric Society (CPS) issued a paper calling for “Universal access to no-cost contraception for youth in Canada.” Claiming “access to contraception” is a “basic human right,” the CPS pointed to estimates that there are nearly 60,000 unintended pregnancies among women 25 and under in Canada and claimed that preventing those pregnancies would save money even after [...]

And then there was this …

Canada LifeSiteNews has launched a petition to mark 2019 World Down Syndrome Day, to request that the United Nations help stop the abortion of Down syndrome babies. LifeSiteNews notes that 92 per cent of Down syndrome babies are aborted in the U.S., 98 per cent are aborted in Denmark and almost 100 per cent are aborted in Iceland. The comparable number in [...]

2019-04-22T09:42:50-04:00April 22, 2019|And then there was this..., Bits n' Pieces|

And then there was this …

Canada Canada’s Supreme Court authorised the practice of euthanasia, or medical-assistance-in-dying, in 2016 with the following exceptions forbidden by law: euthanasia for “mature minors,” i.e. those under the age of 18; psychiatric patients; and those whose illness falls beyond the ability of capacity to make an informed decision (for example, those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease). The Trudeau government tasked the Council of [...]

And then there was this …

Canada Police in Vancouver are describing the crime as a “double shooting” after a 23-year-old man shot a pregnant 31-year-old woman. The woman lost the baby but she is expected to survive the shooting. Under Canadian law, police cannot charge the assailant for killing a preborn child as a baby is not a victim of a crime until after it is born. [...]

2018-06-29T05:21:07-04:00June 28, 2018|Bits n' Pieces, Media Briefs, US Briefs|

And then there was this …

Canada Wesley Smith, special consultant to the Center for Bioethics and Culture and a bioethics attorney, has reported that the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia has rendered an opinion that one can qualify to be killed legally by a doctor by “starving oneself into an irremediable medical condition,” or VSED (voluntary stop eating and drinking). In order to hasten [...]

2018-05-28T12:01:08-04:00May 25, 2018|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada Conservative Party leader Andrew Scheer told the Globe and Mail that his party was more tolerant than the Liberal Party of Justin Trudeau pointing to the governing party’s opposition to pro-life Tory MP Rachael Harder chairing the status of women committee, Trudeau’s “values test” for the Canada Summer Jobs program, and the Liberal leader blocking pro-life Grits from running under the [...]

2018-02-23T17:42:28-05:00February 23, 2018|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada Health Canada approved the barbiturate Secobarbital for assisted-suicide. Stefanie Green, president and co-founder of the Canadian Association of MAID Assessors and Providers, told the Canadian Press Secobarbital is “kind of the barbiturate of choice because (its) quicker onset and duration is such that the dying period is reduced.” CP reported that making the sedative available could increase self-administered assisted suicides ... [...]

2018-01-29T07:44:03-05:00January 29, 2018|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada Senator Tobias Enverga (Conservative), passed away while attending the ParlAmericas Annual Plenary Assembly in Colombia at the age of 61. Enverga, a former Toronto Catholic School Board trustee and the first Filipino-Canadian to sit in the Senate, was a regular speaker at the National March for Life, along with his wife and three daughters, including Rocel who had Down syndrome. MP [...]

2017-12-14T18:54:04-05:00December 15, 2017|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada Campaign Life Coalition endorsed Jason Kenney for the leadership of the United Conservative Party of Alberta ... On Oct. 6, Health Canada released its second interim report on assisted suicide, which showed that from January to June 2017, 1,179 people died by euthanasia and assisted suicide. This brings the total number of deaths to 2,149 since Quebec began allowing euthanasia in [...]

2017-11-28T08:40:28-05:00November 28, 2017|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada At the July 11 Family Planning Summit in London, UK, Canada’s Minister of International Development Marie-Claude Bibeau announced $18 million for abortion and contraception programs in Mozambique. Bibeau told the Globe and Mail, “we chose an area that’s not easy. It’s still a taboo in many regions, so some donors choose to invest in other areas. But even if it’s difficult, [...]

2017-09-19T11:35:36-04:00September 20, 2017|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada Chief Justice Beverly McLachlin announced she will retire from the Supreme Court of Canada in December after 28 years on the top court. During her 17-year tenure as Chief Justice, the Supreme Court okayed the Chretien government’s plans to legalize same-sex ‘marriage’ and deemed as unconstitutional laws outlawing prostitution and euthanasia … Joyce Arthur, executive director of the Abortion Rights Coalition [...]

2017-08-15T11:03:52-04:00August 15, 2017|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada On May 17, Conservative Senator Tobias Enverga Jr. questioned the federal government’s $650 million foreign aid program for sexual and reproductive health. He said, the government’s announcement in March to “support the right to choose safe and legal abortion” in foreign countries, including where it is not legal,  “raises a lot of questions and concerns.” Enverga asked “are we seeing increasing [...]

2017-06-21T11:22:42-04:00June 25, 2017|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada The CBC reported that there have been at least 1324 euthanasia deaths since Quebec legalized euthanasia and assisted suicide on Dec. 10, 2015 and the federal government legalized the practices on June 17, 2016. Alex Schadenberg of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition said the number is certainly higher because the data from Quebec, British Columbia and New Brunswick was not up-to-date and [...]

2017-05-24T10:20:52-04:00May 26, 2017|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada In November, pro-life Progressive Conservative candidate Sam Oosterhoff, 19, became the youngest MPP ever elected in Ontario when he won the Niagara-West Glanbrook by-election after beating three other Tories for the nomination including Ontario PC president Rick Dykstra. Oosterhoff won the right to contest the general election in 2018 after winning the nomination against Tony Quirk, who finished fourth for the [...]

2017-04-24T11:24:14-04:00April 24, 2017|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada There are five federal by-elections on April 3: Calgary Heritage, Calgary Midnapore, Markham-Thornhill, Ottawa-Vanier, and Saint-Laurent. The Conservatives are expected to hold on to the pair of Calgary seats while the Liberals are expected to be re-elected in the Ontario and Quebec seats ... Transgender activist Christin Milloy settled a human rights complaint with Ottawa over disclosing one’s sex on government-issued [...]

2017-04-03T08:46:01-04:00March 31, 2017|Bits n' Pieces|
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