Election Briefs

CPC leadership and social issues

We have already editorialized on the unique opportunity pro-life and pro-family Canadians have with the Conservative leadership race but it is worth mentioning again. While pro-life candidates have run for leader of parties in the past, we have never had the chance to support two candidates who are running on socially conservative issues. Brad Trost and Pierre Lemieux not only declare themselves [...]

2017-02-10T17:02:34-05:00February 11, 2017|Editorials, Election Briefs|

Republican field features numerous pro-lifers

Donald Trump once supported abortion, now claims to be pro-life. A record number of major candidates entered the race to seek the Republican presidential nomination, many of whom hold pro-life views. The winner, who will face a gauntlet of caucus and primary elections from February through June and be named the party’s standard-bearer at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, [...]

2016-01-18T08:09:51-05:00January 15, 2016|Announcements, Election Briefs, Features, Issues, Politics|

Vote pro-life

On May 2, Canadians will go to the polls to elect members of the 41st Parliament and, even now, the mainstream media is shaping the simplified story that will be told about the day’s results. The upcoming election will be taken as some sort of referendum about the incumbent government and, with no more precision than the ancient augurers, a legion of [...]

2011-05-16T08:52:34-04:00May 10, 2011|Announcements, Editorials, Election Briefs, Features|

Five ridings to watch

Saanich-Gulf Islands Conservative MP Gary Lunn is Minister of State (Sport) and won re-election by nearly 2600 votes in 2008 over Liberal Briony Penn, but this time he is facing Green Party leader Elizabeth May and the other left-of-centre parties are pulling back their efforts in an apparent attempt to help her knock off the incumbent. Lunn is rated pro-life and pro-family [...]

2011-05-16T08:53:19-04:00May 10, 2011|Announcements, Election Briefs, Features|

Election Briefs

Duceppe attacks Opus Dei candidate Bloc Quebecois leader Gilles Duceppe attacked Nicole Charbonneau Barron, who is the Conservative candidate in the South Shore Montreal riding of St. Bruno-St. Hubert, and a member of the Catholic group Opus Dei. Duceppe said Barron?s candidacy and membership in Opus Dei proves that Prime Minister Stephen Harper is a ?right -wing ideologue? and that the Conservative [...]

2010-01-04T15:55:59-05:00October 4, 2008|Election Briefs|
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