frankkennedyimage I would’ve liked to have been able to say: “I’m sorry to see you go, Kathleen, but that would’ve been lying.” Inwardly, I’m loudly cheering.

A clone of former Premier Dalton McGuinty, Wynne is still promoting his anti-life agenda featuring abortion, euthanasia, and same-sex “marriage,” and pushing paganism on our schools. At this writing, Wynne appears to be in a sinking boat with a rather large hole in it.

It looks like the Ontario Liberals, headed by Kathleen Wynne, could lose the forthcoming election on June 12.

Some polls indicate that Tim Hudak, the leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party, is narrowly leading. I’m surprised that Wynne and her advisers didn’t resort to political trickery to avoid an election, such as proroguing provincial parliament.

I hold that Wynne was not elected Premier of Ontario in a free election, but a staged election in a Liberal Party Convention. About 2500 Liberal Party delegates picked the new premier of Ontario in early 2013 and we’ve been governed by an unelected premier, whom 99.9 per cent of the people of Ontario had no say on whatsoever. Under Liberal Party rules, Wynne got the support of only 57 per cent of Liberal delegates attending their leadership convention last year but she gets to govern 100 per cent of Ontario residents.

Wynne, as noted in a front page story, wasted no time in cementing her status as a LBGT (Lesbian/Bi-sexual/Gay/Transgender) role model for impressionable young people but at the same time played down the issue. But don’t worry, her media allies constantly told the public that she’s the first openly lesbian premier but at the same we’re told that it doesn’t matter.

Premier Kathleen Wynne was a former minister of education who held a number of her key posts in McGuinty’s government. She was a strong ally of  the former premier and enjoyed support from the homosexuals among the delegates (while thousands of teachers raged outside on the streets, their issues being ignored.)

We were told by the Liberal Party brass that after her selection at the Liberal Party Convention that Wynne would go immediately to the voters of Ontario for confirmation. I hope you didn’t leave anything on the stove cooking waiting for that to happen. No election ever took place. Until now, some 16 months later.

Wynne is an undisputed clone who has bought McGuinty’s pagan agenda and has been busy promoting it. Three years ago we carried a news story about McGuinty and Wynne being frightened off their efforts to stuff very explicit sexual material down pre-pubescent children’s throats. Parents screamed “Too young! Too young!” and we won. But if they get another chance to institute radical sex education in the schools, they will.

But they still pushed their anti-family agenda. Schools were forced to allocate $61 million for new elementary and high school textbooks, saying because the government dictated the terms “man,” “woman,” “wife,” ”husband” and “widower” cannot be used.

The ‘Wynne/McGuinty team’ also funded the new Grade 2 level reader, entitled, “Mom and Mum are Getting Married,” in 2005. But unless you count The Interim and, would you know this was part of their agenda? Who knew that garbage was their agenda?

Whoever will become the next premier of Ontario will face almost insurmountable problems.

The new premier will need the backbone of an Abraham Lincoln, the bravery and strength of Winston Churchill, the wisdom of Socrates. He or she will need to be a prayerful person with a 50-year supply of Tylenol.

I hope that person is Ontario Progressive Party Leader Tim Hudak.

Dear Tim: Good luck! Are you sure you want the job of Premier of Ontario? It’s a real toughy. But I think you can measure up to it. Wynne