This month marks the beginning of our 25th year of publishing The Interim. Some might consider that a failure. After all, in the early days of this paper, no less a leading pro-life voice than Joseph Borowski predicted that protection for the unborn would be won within three to five years. But considering the obstacles that the pro-life movement has faced – a thoroughly pro-abortion political elite, a judiciary that creates, rather interprets, the laws, kangaroo courts in the form of human rights tribunals, a largely pro-abortion journalistic mob, a salacious entertainment media, government funding of abortion groups and radical activist organizations, socially liberal teachers in the high schools and universities, a well-organized gay lobby with a high level of disposable income, a lack of leadership from many religious leaders and pandemic complacency among many church-goers, as well as a host of other challenges – it is a miracle that there is a pro-life movement left in Canada after a 38-year battle since abortion was legalized by Pierre Trudeau’s government in 1969. And we do consider our existence 25 years after we published our first issue a miracle. The brainchild of Campaign Life Coalition national president Jim Hughes, the paper began as the house organ of CLC and was deemed necessary to cover pro-life activism and news that the mainstream media ignored. In March 1983, the media utterly failed to report on a speech made in Ontario by Bernard Nathanson, a former abortionist turned pro-life activist. It was obvious then that to get the pro-life message out to our own people, let alone the larger public, an explicitly pro-life paper was necessary.

When the paper began, few thought it would last for more than one or two issues; some did not even think that there was enough material to cover on a monthly basis. But the stories have been there and so has the support from the pro-life community. While the paper was later independently incorporated, CLC continued to financially support The Interim. But the paper could not have survived also without advertising from pro-life churches and businesses, subscriptions and donations from grassroots pro-lifers and, most important, the prayerful support of subscribers all across the country.

We believe that the ability to not merely survive a quarter-century of publishing in a niche market, but thrive by producing an excellent publication like no other (even the U.S. does not have an independent, dedicated pro-life paper) is a testament to our willingness to let God work through us. Without his intercession in this work, The Interim would have no doubt closed shop long ago. And that gives us hope. It is clear to us that God has a plan and we are privileged that He uses The Interim to inform and inspire grassroots pro-lifers throughout this country. All we need to do is print the truth, to which, as we noted in this space 25 Marches ago, we remain always faithful, even when all seems lost. We are called to be salt and light in a land of darkness, to celebrate the culture of life when it seems we are ensnared in a culture of death. We are called to be hopeful, because we know that God is stronger than any earthly force we may face.

So we urge you to renew the fight, remain faithful and continue your support of The Interim. We invite you to submit to us the reasons you remain hopeful; what events, peoples and trends you see a sign that we are turning our culture around – or at least parts of it. We will publish a feature later this spring on “Signs of Hope” in the pro-life and pro-family cause. Send your signs of hope to us by e-mailing the editor at or by sending a note to 104 Bond St., Ste. 300, Toronto, Ont., M5B 1X9. You can also fax (416) 204-1027.

We thank you for your support in this and all our endeavours. God bless you.