In this month of October, Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving, and we have much for which to be thankful. We live in a country that affords us many blessings. It is all too easy to focus on the negative and miss the many things for which we should be thankful.
Our cover feature this month lists 40 things for which the pro-life movement can be thankful. The fact is it is a tremendous privilege doing pro-life work. The movement is one of joy and hope and we are fortunate to be part of it, to learn from those who are battle-tested veterans and inspired by the energy of the youth and others new to the cause.
On a personal note from this paper, we are extremely thankful to those of you who have responded to our urgent appeal for subscriptions and donations. As we explained last month, due to changes in auditing procedures and definitions at Heritage Canada, we lost about three-quarters of our postal subsidy through the Publications Assistance Program. Because there are a large number of recipients who have not paid for their “subscription” we lost about $50,000 in subsidies. Many of you have taken the opportunity to subscribe and many more of you have donated or extended your subscription. We thank you very much for responding to the call to support pro-life print journalism by paying for your subscription to The Interim. If you haven’t yet returned a subscription form, please do so at your earliest convenience.
One of the things for which we are thankful are all those who pray for the cause. We want to specifically thank those of you who pray for the success of this newspaper.
We remind readers of the words of Teddy Roosevelt (echoing Scripture): “Let us remember that, as much has been given us, much will be expected from us, and that true homage comes from the heart as well as from the lips, and shows itself in deeds.” Let us be thankful for the many blessings God has bestowed upon us and endeavour to continue the fight to protect all human life.